Connect PMM Server to Percona Portal for additional account info in PMM and value added content


As a PMM admin/Portal Org Admin, I want to be able to connect my PMM server (from within PMM) to Percona Platform.


One of the key features in Platform Portal version 1 is to allow users to connect their PMM servers to the Platform. By doing so, Percona will be able to leverage smart advisors (and, in the future, more intelligence), thus adding an important value to users/customers. To do so, Platform needs to offer an API that allows PMM instances to register themselves with Platform.

Tech Specs / UI UX

Detailed tech specs and UI/UX design can be found at

Acceptance criteria

  • It is possible for admin users in PMM to access a Percona Platform section under PMM settings

  • This section will offer a form that allows the user to connect the PMM instance to Percona Platform

  • The user must enter the PMM server name, and the credentials corresponding to her/his Percona Account

  • After submitting the form with valid data, the PMM instance should now be connected to Percona Platform

  • If the user signs in to Percona Platform and navigates to the list of connected PMM instances, the user should be able to see the newly connected PMM server  ( : moving this to separate issue )

  • In PMM, the user should now clearly see that the PMM instance is connected to Percona Platform

  • The old way of auth is replaced - SessionID is replaced by the access_token we get from Okta directlly.


How to test


How to document


Smart Checklist




Former user December 2, 2021 at 9:55 AM

Flag added

is working on the changing the build pipeline now. We need to delete settings table to not use same PMM Server ID for every PMM Server.

Roma Novikov October 29, 2021 at 11:53 AM

, thanks for pointing this out. 

yes, the list of connected PMM will go to SAAS project 


re : How to let the user know - some info message on  Settings->Percona Platform page maybe? 

vasyl.yurkovych October 29, 2021 at 10:47 AM


  • If the user signs in to Percona Platform and navigates to the list of connected PMM instances, the user should be able to see the newly connected PMM server

Is this criteria in the scope of this task? As I understand this is Portal related one.

Also about this one 

  • In PMM, the user should now clearly see that the PMM instance is connected to Percona Platform

How it should be implemented on a FE?






Needs QA


Needs Doc


Fix versions

Story Points

Smart Checklist Progress

Smart Checklist

Created October 21, 2021 at 9:32 AM
Updated August 8, 2024 at 5:01 AM
Resolved December 15, 2021 at 1:52 PM