- Percona Server for MySQL 5.7/8.0 + mysql:metrics on Ubuntu leads to CPU usage 25-30 %PS-7752Resolved issue: PS-7752Lalit Choudhary
- [QAN] Add jit_* metrics from PGSM to PMMPMM-12509
- Data type change for PGSM RC2.PMM-9749Resolved issue: PMM-9749Jiří Čtvrtka
- Reopened: PMM server connect to Portal: Insufficient access rights for admin user after connectPMM-9603Resolved issue: PMM-9603Fábio Da Silva
- Mongodb-exporter cannot connect to mongodb in psmdbPMM-9563Resolved issue: PMM-9563
- PMM server connect to Portal: Insufficient access rights for admin user after connectPMM-9255Resolved issue: PMM-9255Fábio Da Silva
- Support of Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator 1.11.0 in PMMPMM-9178Resolved issue: PMM-9178
- Support Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator 1.10.0 in PMMPMM-9176Resolved issue: PMM-9176Former user
- Security Advisor Checks are not working for MongoDB instancesPMM-9169Resolved issue: PMM-9169Maksym Hilliaka
- Verification of compatibility with PG distro 14.1 and 13.5 in PMMPMM-9161Resolved issue: PMM-9161
- Support Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster 1.10.0 in PMMPMM-9159Resolved issue: PMM-9159Former user
- PostgreSQL advisor (check) doesn't set default database in connection stringPMM-9088Resolved issue: PMM-9088Alexey Mukas
- Connect PMM Server to Percona Portal for additional account info in PMM and value added contentPMM-9050Resolved issue: PMM-9050
- Update PMM client with percona-toolkit 3.3.2PMM-9001Resolved issue: PMM-9001
- Query Analytics: No table/indexes information for Views when PostgreSQL server monitored with pg_stat_monitorPMM-8952Resolved issue: PMM-8952Former user
- Syntax error in pmm-agent with pg_stat_monitor_version 0.9.2-beta1PMM-8843Resolved issue: PMM-8843
- MyRocks WAL panel from MySQL MyRocks Details Dashboard presents data in wrong unitsPMM-8635Resolved issue: PMM-8635Vadim Yalovets
- Incorrect use of state_code in monitoring with pg_stat_monitor. Unfinished queries are included in statisticsPMM-8633Resolved issue: PMM-8633Former user
- New Filter: "Command Type" allows filtering queries based on type (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, n/a) when pg_stat_monitor extension enabledPMM-8632Resolved issue: PMM-8632
- [FE] Add presentation of new dimensions collected by pg_stat_monitor in QAN - top_queryPMM-8626Resolved issue: PMM-8626Tiago Mota
- [FE] Add presentation of new dimensions collected by pg_stat_monitor in QAN - PlanID and Query_planPMM-8590Resolved issue: PMM-8590Tiago Mota
- [FE] Add presentation of new application_name dimension collected by pg_stat_monitor in QANPMM-8589Resolved issue: PMM-8589Tiago Mota
- pg_stat_monitor 1.0.0 supportPMM-8557Resolved issue: PMM-8557
- pg_stat_monitor 0.9.2 supportPMM-8556Resolved issue: PMM-8556
- PXC Operator v1.9.0 testingPMM-8533Resolved issue: PMM-8533Former user
- PSMDB Operator 1.9 support is testedPMM-8329Resolved issue: PMM-8329Former user
- Add collecting and presenting new dimensions of pg_stat_monitor such as Application Name,Top Query, Plan in Query AnalyticsPMM-8301Resolved issue: PMM-8301Jiří Čtvrtka
- Integrated Alerting: Alert templates delivery from Percona ( for registered )PMM-8274Resolved issue: PMM-8274
- Better error handling when pg_stat_monitor has an unsupported versionPMM-8001Resolved issue: PMM-8001Jiří Čtvrtka
- Expose new numbered metrics available in `pg_stat_monitor` 0.9PMM-8000Resolved issue: PMM-8000Jiří Čtvrtka
- Support of pg_stat_monitor v0.9.0PMM-7783Resolved issue: PMM-7783
- Docker container for `pmm-client`: Option to change behavior and follow sidecar patternPMM-7677Resolved issue: PMM-7677Nurlan Moldomurov
- ProcFS plugin integration to PMMPMM-7593
- pg_stat_monitor 0.8 release supportPMM-7569Resolved issue: PMM-7569
- Cannot see Examples content for postgreSQLPMM-7393Resolved issue: PMM-7393Jiří Čtvrtka
- Tables information tab reports 'table not found' with new PostgreSQL extension 'pg_stat_monitor'PMM-6765Resolved issue: PMM-6765
- pg_stat_monitor issue in QANPMM-6677Resolved issue: PMM-6677Jiří Čtvrtka
- ADD usage of PG_stat_monitor Source in Add Remote PG_stat-monitorPMM-6666Resolved issue: PMM-6666Roman Misyurin
- Align pg_stat_monitor bucketsPMM-6642Resolved issue: PMM-6642Jiří Čtvrtka
- Technical preview of new PostgreSQL extension 'pg_stat_monitor'PMM-6567Resolved issue: PMM-6567Jiří Čtvrtka
- Clickhouse schema and api changes for pg_stat_monitorPMM-6462Resolved issue: PMM-6462Nurlan Moldomurov
- pmm-admin changes for new pg_stat_monitor PostgreSQL extensionPMM-6461Resolved issue: PMM-6461Jiří Čtvrtka
- Pmm-agent changes regarding new Query source - pg_stat_monitorPMM-6460Resolved issue: PMM-6460Jiří Čtvrtka
- Fix variables on "PXC/Galera Cluster Summary" dashboardPMM-5270Resolved issue: PMM-5270
- InnoDB TableSpace data is not collected for Percona Server 8PMM-5248Resolved issue: PMM-5248Carlos Salguero
- QAN: Better SQL parts DetectionPMM-4837
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