- pmm-admin commands to support ValkeyPMM-13839
- Allow disabling ALPN verification for grpc-go.PMM-13818
- Unable to view metrics in PMM for PostgreSQL (/pgdata) and MongoDB (/data/db) mount points in the Disk Details dashboard when monitoring deployments via Everest (Sidecar Container Issue).PMM-13813
- TSL certificates are kept on disk after service removalPMM-13766
- Unable to add RDS instance on mutiple nodesPMM-13750
- Install perl into pmm-client docker containerPMM-13626Resolved issue: PMM-13626talha.rizwan
- PBM metrics are not enabled by defaultPMM-13571Resolved issue: PMM-13571Michael Okoko
- PMM does not found a plan for some queriesPMM-13570
- Add check for Nomad Binary in our packages, should be done on Package testingPMM-13526Resolved issue: PMM-13526Peter Sirotnak
- monitoring tools for aurora mysqlPMM-13457Resolved issue: PMM-13457
- Agent_status_running is displayed in pmm-admin status outputPMM-13392Resolved issue: PMM-13392Alex Demidoff
- Resolve port conflict when starting multiple PMM agentsPMM-13292Resolved issue: PMM-13292Nurlan Moldomurov
- Discrepancy in PMM 2.42.0 between QAN and InnoDBPMM-13281Jiří Čtvrtka
- sudo pmm-admin add mysql --username=pmmadmin --password='pwd' --query-source=perfschema --disable-tablestats-limit=220000PMM-13253
- [BE] v2 Client metrics labels(id) compatibility mode with v3PMM-13153Resolved issue: PMM-13153
- Allow support to modify the vmagent remoteWrite.maxDiskUsagePerURL settingPMM-13062
- PMM Client's ability to detect and migrate prior versionsPMM-13031Resolved issue: PMM-13031Muhammad Aqeel
- [BE] Drop database ID prefixesPMM-13020Resolved issue: PMM-13020Alex Demidoff
- Add `ps` to pmm-clientPMM-12666
- Change error output from pmm-admin for autodiscovery option to more user-friendlyPMM-12651Resolved issue: PMM-12651Jiří Čtvrtka
- PMM2-Client missing in Debian 12 (Bookworm)PMM-12629Resolved issue: PMM-12629Nailya Kutlubaeva
- Packages built using old go versionPMM-12626Resolved issue: PMM-12626
- Ensure naming consistency for environment variablesPMM-12619Resolved issue: PMM-12619Michael Okoko
- ARM support of pmm-clientPMM-12574Resolved issue: PMM-12574
- Exportes should not bind on if push mode is usedPMM-12422Resolved issue: PMM-12422Michael Okoko
- Bind an exporter to a specific portPMM-12363Resolved issue: PMM-12363
- Make pmm-client tarball installation more user-friendlyPMM-12333Resolved issue: PMM-12333Alex Demidoff
- Missing pmm-client debug symbols for downloadPMM-12195talha.rizwan
- PMM client continuously tries to create pg_stat_montior_settings view.PMM-11938Resolved issue: PMM-11938Jiří Čtvrtka
- PMM-Client container exits even if sidecar option is enabledPMM-11893Resolved issue: PMM-11893Jiří Čtvrtka
- Add jq to pmm-client docker imagePMM-11859Resolved issue: PMM-11859
- Allow tuning client-side vmagent process.PMM-11826Nurlan Moldomurov
- Lack of support in MongoDB deployments where loadBalanced=truePMM-11825
- PMM Server/Client Docker SSLPMM-11767Resolved issue: PMM-11767Nurlan Moldomurov
- Automate test-cases for Exporters version checkingPMM-11621
- [DOC] these is no guide how to setup pmm-agent to work on a non-default portPMM-11466
- Add config file for pmm-adminPMM-11376Nurlan Moldomurov
- Ability to control Autodiscovery Option for PostgreSQLPMM-11341Resolved issue: PMM-11341Jiří Čtvrtka
- Can't uninstall pmm-client from nodePMM-11280Resolved issue: PMM-11280surabhi.bhat
- Change from kingpin in the client package breaks automationPMM-10909Resolved issue: PMM-10909
- pmm-admin 2.31.0 throwing error when adding monitoringPMM-10879Resolved issue: PMM-10879
- Replication delay not being properly representedPMM-10869
- QAN Periodically pushes ridiculous Query countsPMM-10844Resolved issue: PMM-10844
- Looks like mechanism from PMM-8357 does not work with PMM-2.31.0PMM-10823Resolved issue: PMM-10823
- PostgreSQL Advisory is trying to connect to a database of same name as the usernamePMM-10808
- PMM table aliased - QAN doesnt show any tablesPMM-10799Resolved issue: PMM-10799Jiří Čtvrtka
- QAN doesnt respect time zonePMM-10794Resolved issue: PMM-10794
- PT summary for Mongo DB does not workPMM-10719Resolved issue: PMM-10719
- Absent documentation for pmm Client flags PMM_AGENT_SIDECAR` and `PMM_AGENT_SIDECAR_SLEEPPMM-10630rasika.chivate
- Components Upgrade: VictoriaMetrics 1.77.1 to 1.82.1PMM-10629Resolved issue: PMM-10629
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