- gitignore the vendor directoryK8SPS-428George Kechagias
- Validate CR input using k8s validations and remove the operator validation logic and related loggingK8SPS-427
- Add Label for CRDK8SPS-426Julio Pasinatto
- Fix group replication bootstrap for 8.4K8SPS-425ege.gunes
- Update Jenkinsfile to use 1.29 cluster versionK8SPS-424
- Implement NOTIFY_SOCKET and state-monitorK8SPS-423Andrii Dema
- Improve database updateK8SPS-422
- Add data at rest encryption supportK8SPS-421
- Data at rest encryption supportK8SPS-420
- Add support for postStart/preStop hooksK8SPS-419
- Add gracePeriod supportK8SPS-418
- Add podDisruptionBudget supportK8SPS-417
- Add tolerations into our CRK8SPS-416
- Add runtimeClassName into our CRK8SPS-415
- Add imagePullSecrets into our CRK8SPS-414
- Add possibility of adding resources and containerSecurityContext for init containersK8SPS-413
- Improve basic featuresK8SPS-412
- Add asynchronous replication setup for PS cluster running in K8SK8SPS-411
- Add incremental backupsK8SPS-410
- Add encrypted backupsK8SPS-409
- Create and sync application mysql users during deploymentK8SPS-408
- Add database user management supportK8SPS-407
- Add possibility of adding custom parameters via CR for PMM clientK8SPS-406
- Allow configuring PMM container LivenessProbeK8SPS-405
- Add PMM supportK8SPS-404
- Add PITR supportK8SPS-403
- Backups throttling, parallel execution control and cancellationK8SPS-402
- Add example of azure backup type into our CRsK8SPS-401
- Add support for custom options for xtrabackup, xbstream, xbcloudK8SPS-400
- Improve backups and restoresK8SPS-399Slava Sarzhan
- Release 0.10.0K8SPS-398
- Cluster-Wide upgrade from v0.8.0 to v0.9.0 causes CrashLoopBackOff and prevents cluster recoveryK8SPS-397
- Investgate why test cases gr-self-healing and gr-self-healing have different DaemonSets for the different operatorsK8SPS-396Julio Pasinatto
- Output warning about CRDs after helm upgradeK8SPS-395
- When we change cluster type on a running cluster, it should fail properlyK8SPS-394
- Add support for PMM v3K8SPS-393Julio Pasinatto
- Add ability to increase timeout for the CLONE operationK8SPS-392Julio Pasinatto
- Shfmt script consistent formattingK8SPS-391Resolved issue: K8SPS-391George Kechagias
- Automate images and k8s platform versions provisioning for Jenkins jobsK8SPS-390Pavel Tankov
- Default containers for the mysql and haproxy pods should be the ones providing that serviceK8SPS-389
- PS-Operator cannot create ps-db-mysql and ps-db-orc StatefulSet when Resource Quota is enabled.K8SPS-388Resolved issue: K8SPS-388Pavel Tankov
- Add wait_for_delete() function because we use it in case of (upcoming) OpenShift supportK8SPS-387Eleonora Zinchenko
- Extract commands in docs to separate filesK8SPS-386dmitriy.kostiuk
- Generate CRD reference from codeK8SPS-385
- Automate operator-sdk scorecard testsK8SPS-384Julio Pasinatto
- Use Snyk for container scanningK8SPS-383
- Remove loadBalancerIPK8SPS-382natalia.marukovich
- Remove hardcoded slash used in restore from AzureK8SPS-381Andrii Dema
- Reconciler error: invalid syntaxK8SPS-380natalia.marukovich
- Automate ClusterRole generation for cluster wideK8SPS-379natalia.marukovich
50 of 398
[BE] Backup metrics and alert rule template
How to test
How to document
Artem Gavrilov
Artem GavrilovPriority
Needs QA
Smart Checklist
Smart Checklist
Created August 2, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Updated August 8, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Resolved August 2, 2023 at 11:24 AM