E2E tests - Improve uninstall checks


Currently we run everestctl uninstall only in the upgrade test at the end, but we don’t check if the correct message was displayed and also were all the namespaces and kubernetes objects destroyed.

Also we need to add uninstall command in the GKE/EKS/OpenShift workflows for normal tests as well, together with all the checks.




Edith Erika Puclla Pareja yesterday

Talking with I will approach this task with the following:

  1. Implement a validation after the uninstallation of Percona Everest (everest-qa workflows)

Validation check Kubernetes Objects. (Uninstall if they are present)

  • Check if Everest Namespace is Removed

  • Check if Everest Deployments are Removed

  • Check if Everest CRDs Were Removed

  • Check if Everest PVCs (Persistent Volumes) Were Removed

  • Check for Leftover Everest Services

  • Check if Everest Helm Release is Still Listed (if Installed via Helm)

  1. Do this validation for:

  • The Upgrade workflow

  • GKE workflow

  • EKS workflow

  1. Run the Workflow Locally

    1. Check the output of the "Validate Everest Uninstall" step.

    2. We need to tail the uninstall command to some file and check that the output contains the proper message "Everest was uninstalled."

    3. we “tee“ the upgrade command: https://github.com/percona/everest-qa/blob/main/.github/workflows/upgrade.yml#L429 so we need to do the same with the uninstall command and then check that the output includes the message that it was a success





Smart Checklist

Created 4 days ago
Updated yesterday

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