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How to reproduce:
Deploy Operator
Create Custom Resource for the cluster right after it
If CR is created before Operator is up and running, it is not reconciled and not seen by the Operator.
Other Percona Operators have reconcile loop and pick up the cluster anyway.
This issue makes it hard to use our Operator with gitops and other iaac tooling.
Expected behavior:
No matter when I create the CR, it should be picked up by the Operator.
How to reproduce:
Deploy Operator
Create Custom Resource for the cluster right after it
If CR is created before Operator is up and running, it is not reconciled and not seen by the Operator.
Other Percona Operators have reconcile loop and pick up the cluster anyway.
This issue makes it hard to use our Operator with gitops and other iaac tooling.
Expected behavior:
No matter when I create the CR, it should be picked up by the Operator.