Wrong link for node name on the mysql instance summary dash
How to test
Check the links in tooltips for Database Connection and Database Query. It should be depends on choosed node.
How to document
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Ihor Cherkasov February 21, 2023 at 9:10 PM
Verified on FB after solving conflicts: https://github.com/Percona-Lab/pmm-submodules/pull/3028#issuecomment-1438061393
Server Docker – perconalab/pmm-server-fb:PR-3028-dc689af
Client Docker – perconalab/pmm-client-fb:PR-3028-dc689af

Ihor Cherkasov February 15, 2023 at 5:27 PM
Verified on FB: https://github.com/Percona-Lab/pmm-submodules/pull/3028#issuecomment-1429432655
Server Docker – perconalab/pmm-server-fb:PR-3028-c06a4d5
Client Docker – perconalab/pmm-client-fb:PR-3028-c06a4d5
Hello! FYI:
Now on Home Dashboard for Database Connection and Database Query/s (QPS) panels we display node name in the link for services, which are running on selected node(s) in Node Names filter at the top of the screen:
if user clicks link with node name, then the link will be opened in a new tab with applied Node Name filter (node name), so all panels will display the data for this node
if user clicks link without node name, then the link will be opened in a new tab with applied Node Name filter (empty value), so No Data will be displayed for all panels
It was implemented this way because of Grafana's lack of flexibility. So, we can't hide the link for services, which are not running on selected node because of absence of any if/else statements logic for links on panels in Grafana and if we want to display the links for 5 services types, then we need always display all the 5 links even if service is not running on selected node.

Ihor Cherkasov February 9, 2023 at 10:42 PMEdited
I've found that variables in Panel Links are messed up for:
MongoDB Services Overview:
Title: $node_name_pg is used instead of $node_name_mongodb
URL: $node_name_mysql is used instead of $node_name_mongodb
PostgreSQL Services Overview:
Title: $node_name_mongodb is used instead of $node_name_pg
URL: $node_name_mysql is used instead of $node_name_pg
ProxySQL Instance Overview:
URL: $node_name_mysql is used instead of $node_name_proxysql
HAProxy Instance Summary:
URL: $node_name_mysql is used instead of $node_name_haproxy
So, the links have wrong node names and lead to the dashboards with wrong filters by node applied. Please fix it.


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Looks like an outcome of modifyting the dashboard variable definition for the filters but links goes to wrong places
Reported by PZ