Different servers with the same name


User Impact:

QAN is unable to distinguish hosts when services are added to monitoring with default name


Install PMM 1.17.4
Add mysql and mongo to monitoring with default names

sudo pmm-admin add mysql sudo pmm-admin add mongodb

Open QAN and try to select added mongo and mysql instance

Actual Result:

Only pmm-client-hostname can be selected in QAN

[ec2-user@ip-10-178-2-72 ~]$ sudo pmm-admin list pmm-admin 1.17.4PMM Server | Client Name | pmm-client-hostname Client Address | Service Manager | linux-upstart---------------- -------------------- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE TYPE NAME LOCAL PORT RUNNING DATA SOURCE OPTIONS ---------------- -------------------- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mongodb:queries pmm-client-hostname - YES query_examples=true mysql:queries pmm-client-hostname - YES root:***@unix(/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1 linux:metrics pmm-client-hostname 42000 YES - mysql:metrics pmm-client-hostname 42002 YES root:***@unix(/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) mongodb:metrics pmm-client-hostname 42003 YES [ec2-user@ip-10-178-2-72 ~]$

Expected Result:

Should be possible to select added instances separately

Additional information:

Not reproducible in PMM 2.x; adding service with autodetected default name adds "-mongodb", "-mysql" at the end of name

Original report:

On my machine I have 2 installed servers: MySQL and MongoDB
I installed pmm-client and then added monitoring for mongoDB and MySQL (with default names)

[nailya.kutlubaeva@bm-qanqa04 ~]$ sudo pmm-admin list pmm-admin 1.1.5 PMM Server | Client Name | bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com Client Address | Service Manager | linux-systemd ---------------- ------------------------------ ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ SERVICE TYPE NAME LOCAL PORT RUNNING DATA SOURCE OPTIONS ---------------- ------------------------------ ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ mongodb:queries bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com - YES localhost:27017 query_examples=true mysql:queries bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com - YES root:***@unix(/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true linux:metrics bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com 42000 YES - mysql:metrics bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com 42002 YES root:***@unix(/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) mongodb:metrics bm-qanqa04.bm.int.percona.com 42003 YES localhost:27017

If I try to select mongodb host in instances list on QAN2 page, it selects instances for MySQl page (please, see video), and it looks it's impossible to select MongoDB host

Maybe we should add "MongoDB" at the end of instance's name ?


How to test


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Jiří Čtvrtka December 3, 2022 at 10:31 AM


Lalit Choudhary December 24, 2018 at 10:54 AM

Validated against PMM 1.17.0



 default getting MongoDB QAN dashboard and makes MySQL QAN dashboard access impossible. 

---------------- ----- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICE TYPE NAME LOCAL PORT RUNNING DATA SOURCE OPTIONS ---------------- ----- ----------- -------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mongodb:queries pg1 - YES query_examples=true mysql:queries pg1 - YES msandbox:***@unix(/tmp/mysql_sandbox5724.sock) query_source=slowlog, query_examples=true, slow_log_rotation=true, retain_slow_logs=1 linux:metrics pg1 42000 YES - mysql:metrics pg1 42002 YES msandbox:***@unix(/tmp/mysql_sandbox5724.sock) mongodb:metrics pg1 42003 YES

Roma Novikov August 31, 2017 at 11:06 AM

this was added to make the same set of parameters for QAN and   Grafana. 

I think we need more time to understand what is the right name  for  parameters and probably change  selectors  in Grafana too 

Kamil Dziedzic June 28, 2017 at 6:24 PM

I might be mistaken on this as a lot of time passed, but if I recall correctly we had hostname:port identification in PCT and it was giving us a lot of troubles so we solved that with UUID which is always pointing to exact instance.

For example user can always monitor two hosts with exactly the same hostnames, ports and even ip. You can have 2 networks/servers where means different DB servers. This is why UUIDs where introduced.

Michael Coburn June 28, 2017 at 5:54 PM

For the record I wasn't aware of UUID() implementation in QAN, makes sense for me.







Story Points

Affects versions

Smart Checklist

Created June 28, 2017 at 10:58 AM
Updated November 13, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Resolved December 3, 2022 at 10:31 AM

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