If I opened Advisor's check detail the description text is not readable because it ended with 3 dots ( ...) and the description is not expandable so the user cannot see the entire description
Steps to Reproduce: #1 Start PMM with some old versioned services ideally EOL #2 Start Advisors check #3 Expand Check alert and check the description
Actual Result:
Expected Result: the entire description should be visible
User Impact:
If I opened Advisor's check detail the description text is not readable because it ended with 3 dots ( ...) and the description is not expandable so the user cannot see the entire description
Steps to Reproduce:
#1 Start PMM with some old versioned services ideally EOL
#2 Start Advisors check
#3 Expand Check alert and check the description
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
the entire description should be visible