Impact on the user Low, merely an unnecessary directory and thus taking a little away from the filesystem's available resources (inodes and blocks)
Steps to reproduce
Set tempdir to a specific directory to make it easier to find all files and directories that are created (e.g. /tmp/pmm-agent-test)
Start/restart the agent
Observe the files and directories, e.g. `find /tmp/pmm-agent-test`
Actual result A new temporary directory is created to create and store persistent-queue
Expected Result The existing vmagent-specific temporary directory is used to create and store persistent-queue
Workaround N/A
Details When vmagent is started a vm_agent directory is created in paths.tempdir. After which, vmagent creates its own temporary directory, vmagent-temp-dir, which is unnecessary and instead the persistent-queue directory could be created in the same temporary directory as used for the agent_id. This is better for the filesystem, directories are not free (inodes and blocks).
Impact on the user
Low, merely an unnecessary directory and thus taking a little away from the filesystem's available resources (inodes and blocks)
Steps to reproduce
to a specific directory to make it easier to find all files and directories that are created (e.g. /tmp/pmm-agent-test)Start/restart the agent
Observe the files and directories, e.g. `find /tmp/pmm-agent-test`
Actual result
A new temporary directory is created to create and store
Expected Result
The existing vmagent-specific temporary directory is used to create and store
When vmagent is started a
directory is created inpaths.tempdir
. After which, vmagent creates its own temporary directory,vmagent-temp-dir
, which is unnecessary and instead thepersistent-queue
directory could be created in the same temporary directory as used for theagent_id
. This is better for the filesystem, directories are not free (inodes and blocks).