Database Operations for Existing Database Cluster - Restart DB Cluster


The problem: There are several reasons why a customer may want to restart a database server instance.  For example, they are seeing issues with an instance and want to restart the database instance to see if that will help resolve their issue. 


User Story: As an Admin, I want to be able to log into the Percona Enterprise Platform, select the existing database cluster, and execute restart action 

After this  Percona Enterprise Platform should restart the selected database cluster member instances. Because of Technical limitation, this must be a rolling restart for all DB instances


The status of the DB cluster should be telling the "restarting" when the action executed. 


An additional action in DB Cluster menu  = "Restart"



Suggested implementation:

  1. Define restart endpoint in pmm API to communicate UI -> pmm-managed.

  2. Define restart endpoint in dbaas-api to communicate pmm-managed ->  dbaas-controller.

  3. Implement endpoint to receive type (PXC Cluster or PSMDB Cluster) and name of DBaaS in pmm-managed from UI.

  4. Implement endpoint in dbaas-controller to restart DB Cluster where execute  

  5. pmm-managed calls dbaas-contoller to restart DB cluster.


How to test/demonstrate:

(For API test please use attached swagger.json )

1. Create a DB cluster;

2. Wait for the cluster to be active;

3. Create table/collection in the cluster:

 remember Uptime value Uptime: 13 min 59 

3. Select restart action in the cluster;

4. Check that the cluster gets the status "Pending";

5. Wait for the cluster to be active again.

6. Check that inserted data is present and uptime value decreased Uptime: 5 min 16.






How to test


How to document




Smart Checklist




Alexey Palazhchenko November 18, 2020 at 12:30 PM

We will proceed with the current implementation for alpha2. For beta1, we should find a better solution ().

Alexey Palazhchenko November 18, 2020 at 8:20 AM

The operators' team said that "rollout restart" is not safe to use. On hold (and on me) until we understand how to do that safely.

Why wasn't it discussed with them or with me before we had full implementation?

Roma Novikov October 31, 2020 at 8:51 PM

, Thanks!  I've changed the linking. I believe the Backend is blocking the Front. Let me know if I'm  wrong in this assumption  

Tiago Mota October 31, 2020 at 5:09 PM

Frontend task: .







Needs QA


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Story Points


Smart Checklist Progress

Smart Checklist

Created October 27, 2020 at 8:21 PM
Updated August 8, 2024 at 5:00 AM
Resolved December 2, 2020 at 11:37 PM