QAN not showing (truncating) long queries


I have a 5881 characters long query (or more), taken from the slow_log (logged correctly there - completely).

In QAN it shows trucated, in other words a "..."  after some number of lines in the Example tab, and af course the Explain tab reports a syntax error

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '..' at line 23

here is a sample query:

SELECT DISTINCT s.school_id, s.secondary, s.language as primary_language, s.currency, language.xru_language_value as language, language.language_value as language_id_en,,s.school_country, s.school_city_ general, c.course_name, s.csn, s.xru_school_country as xschool_country, s.xru_school_city_general as xschool_city_general, s.coordinate_1, s.coordinate_2, false as xmore_information, c.includes_accommodation, s. kasp_programme, s.exposure, s.exposure_most_popular, s.exposure_top_price, s.exposure_top_value, s.exposure_best_rated, s.exposure_most_popular_country, s.exposure_most_popular_city, s.exposure_top_leisure_country, s.exposure_top_leisure_city, s.exposure_best_price_country, s.exposure_best_price_city, s.exposure_best_rated_country, s.exposure_most_revs_city, s.commission_tuition, s.commission_accommodation, s.commission_other, s.commission_inscription_fee, s.chain_id, s.bildungsurlaub, s.bundeslaender, s.year_foundation, s.free_cancellation_course_days, s.course_material_costs, s.course_material_costs_period, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM registration as r WHERE r.school_id = s.school_id AND r.appl_date >= '20210420') as num_registrations, (select COUNT(e.ev_overall*10) from evaluation as e WHERE (e.school_id=s.school_id and e.ev_overall>0) limit 1) ev_number, (select ROUND(AVG(e.ev_overall*10)) from evaluation as e WHERE (e.school_id=s.school_id and e.ev_overall>0) limit 1) ev_overall, (select ROUND(AVG(e.ev_teaching*10)) from evaluation as e WHERE (e.school_id=s.school_id and e.ev_teaching>0) limit 1) ev_teaching, (select ROUND(AVG(e.ev_activity*10)) from evaluation as e WHERE (e.school_id=s.school_id and e.ev_activity>0) limit 1) ev_activity, c.course_cat, country.coordinate_1 countryX, country.coordinate_2 countryY, country.zoom countryZ, s.hometuition as hometuition, as discount, cy.max_students, cy.start_date_every, cy.starting_dates as xstarting_dates, c.min_level, CONCAT(c.xru_course_comments_static,'<br/>',cy.xru_course_comments) as xcourse_comments, s.minimum_age_children, s.junior_level_no_year, s.junior_level_no_summer, s.student_no_year_junior, s.student_no_summer_junior, cy.exam_fee, cy.exam_dates, c.incl_accommo_type, c.incl_accommo_room_status, c.incl_accommo_meal, s.tuition_hour, s.student_no_summer, s.student_no_year, s.school_district, cy.time_afternoon_start, cy.time_afternoon_finish, c.exam_is_centre, image_name, IF (s.school_id IN (SELECT school_id FROM temp_top_schools),true,false) as top_school ,cur.currency_rate,cur.symbol as currency_rate_value, cur.currency_id as currency_id,cur_target.currency_rate as currency_target_rate, cur_target.symbol as currency_target_value,(SELECT yd.inscription_fee FROM year_data as yd WHERE yd.school_id=s.school_id and yd.year='2022' limit 1) as inscription_fee FROM school s LEFT JOIN country on (s.school_country = LEFT JOIN course1 c ON s.school_id=c.school_id and c.course_cat = (SELECT course1.course_cat FROM course1, `course_category`, course_year cy2, course_language cl where course1.course_id=cy2.course_id AND cy2.year='2022' AND (cy2.hours>='1' OR s.secondary = 2) and cy2.deleted != '1' AND course1.course_id = cl.course_id AND (cl.lang_id = 2 OR s.secondary = 2) and course1.course_cat=course_category.course_category_id and course1.school_id=s.school_id ORDER BY course_category.super_id ASC, course_category.course_priority ASC limit 1) JOIN course_category cc ON (cc.course_category_id = c.course_cat OR (cc.course_category_id = c.course_cat2)) AND (cc.course_priority IS NOT NULL) LEFT JOIN course_categories_super ccs ON (ccs.super_id = cc.super_id) LEFT JOIN course_language c_lang ON ( c.course_id = c_lang.course_id )LEFT JOIN language ON (s.language = language.language) LEFT JOIN course_year cy on (c.course_id=cy.course_id AND cy.year='2022' AND (cy.hours>='1' OR s.secondary = 2)) LEFT JOIN images img ON (img.school_id=s.school_id AND img.shown_in_search=1) left join currency cur on (s.currency = cur.currency_id) left join currency cur_target on (cur_target.currency_id = 1) WHERE s.school_city_general in (SELECT school_city_general FROM city WHERE region_id =114) AND (IFNULL(,0)<2) AND forced_limited != 1 AND s.xru_school_city_general != '' and cy.deleted != '1' and (cy.price_1week > 0 or cy.price_2weeks > 0 or cy.price_3weeks > 0 or cy.price_4weeks > 0 or cy.price_5weeks > 0 or cy.price_6weeks > 0 or cy.price_7weeks > 0 or cy.price_8weeks > 0 or cy.price_9weeks > 0 or cy.price_10weeks > 0 or cy.price_11weeks > 0 or cy.price_12weeks > 0 or (cy.price_custom_weeks > 0 and cy.addweek_valid > 0) or (cy.price_custom_weeks2 > 0 and cy.addweek_valid > 2) or (cy.price_custom_weeks3 > 0 and cy.addweek_valid3 > 0) or (cy.price_custom_weeks > 4 and cy.addweek_valid > 4) or secondary = 2) GROUP BY school_id ORDER BY school_country,school_city_general,secondary,school,ccs.super_priority, cc.course_priority;

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  • 05 May 2022, 02:25 PM
  • 05 May 2022, 02:25 PM
  • 05 May 2022, 02:25 PM

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duygu.aksoy September 21, 2022 at 12:34 PM


Wont QA team test it? 

duygu.aksoy September 8, 2022 at 12:35 PM

Note: It was approved by Nurlan and Palash but needs #8792 to be reviewed and shipped together. So, replanned for 2.32 FYI  

Jiří Čtvrtka September 6, 2022 at 7:09 AM

Jiří Čtvrtka September 4, 2022 at 5:43 AM

Its for all types, thats why I didnt create another tickers.







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Smart Checklist

Created April 20, 2022 at 6:52 PM
Updated March 6, 2024 at 1:19 AM
Resolved September 21, 2022 at 12:32 PM

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