- Audit log is not including user information in entries.PS-9712
- Libperconaserverclient22-dev doesn’t ship headers files (pkg-config)PS-9710Resolved issue: PS-9710Vadim Yalovets
- MySQL RocksDB engine issue while using LIKE conditionPS-9707
- Audit plugin does not exclude users which are definered for events in audit_log_exclude_accounts after mysql_reset_connection commandPS-9706
- can not mysql 8.0 replicat to mysql 5.7PS-9705
- LDAP plugin can't handle double quotes in usernamesPS-9704
- Upstream 8.0.41 release does not fully fix PS-9144PS-9703
- Percona 8.4 - readline vs editlinePS-9702
- An error occurred while using the rocks engine. It keeps occurring even when repeated.PS-9700
- Revert the commit that causes the issue PS-9680PS-9698Resolved issue: PS-9698mohit.joshi
- Create POC prototype of KMIP generation 2 interface and the implementation of basic functionality.PS-9697oleksiy.lukin
- Benchmarking for establishing SSL MySQL connectionsPS-9696Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Prepare the design document for KMIP Library and how MySQL products will use itPS-9695oleksiy.lukin
- KMIP Library for all PerconaPS-9694
- Performance benchmarking of Percona Server using MyRocksPS-9693Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Valgrind logs may take more than 1 GBPS-9692Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Buffer Pool Coredump tests are failing on JenkinsPS-9688
- Update the extended CHECK TABLE to detect LOB corruptionsPS-9683Satya Bodapati
- Improve the Error message thrown in case the JS code in stored function returns special number like Infinity, -Infinity or NaN.PS-9682Dmitry Lenev
- boolean value true/false returned by JS stored function is interpreted as a string value.PS-9681Dmitry Lenev
- MyRocks may cause data corruption after changes in RocksDB 7.10.0PS-9680Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Extend Authentication Support to Integrate with OktaPS-9678
- Setting start date for both epic and children automation - by in progressPS-9676Resolved issue: PS-9676Jan Mynar
- MyRocks - rocksdb_rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec dynamic change does not apply when starting value is high enoughPS-9675
- mysqld got signal 11 while JS function callPS-9672Dmitry Lenev
- Please add includedir /etc/my.cnf.d/ to my.cnfPS-9670
- NRE Investigation for OrchestratorPS-9669Resolved issue: PS-9669Julia Vural
- Executing LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUP after enabling audit logs crashes the serverPS-9668Resolved issue: PS-9668Dmitry Lenev
- Multi-statement line in --init-file causes errorsPS-9665
- insert with unique_checks=OFF into table with TTL crashing MyRocksPS-9666Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Poor memory instrumetnation for MyRocksPS-9664
- MySQL Crashes on RHEL9 Platforms.PS-9662Resolved issue: PS-9662
- Advanced Console Log Support for JS RoutinesPS-9659
- Properly implement charset_string::convert_to_collation_copy()PS-9658
- Change underlying container in dictionary class to std::unordered_setPS-9657
- Software Requirements Specification Document for BinLog serverPS-9656Resolved issue: PS-9656Vadim Tkachenko
- Wrong usage of in MTR testsPS-9654Resolved issue: PS-9654Przemyslaw Skibinski
- audit_log_filter plugin to component migrationPS-9652Resolved issue: PS-9652patrick.birch
- KMIP - Refactor KMIP c++ library to bypass BIO level of C KMIP libraryPS-9651Resolved issue: PS-9651
- ADD_LIBRARY cannot create imported target "OpenSSL::SSL" because another target with the same name already existsPS-9641aibek.bukabayev
- Jira dashboard for weekly reportingPS-9640Resolved issue: PS-9640Jan Mynar
- Incorrect Accumulation of Rows_sent, Rows_examined, and Bytes_sent in Slow Query Log for Stored RoutinePS-9638
- Dump stack trace of all threads when InnoDB self-terminates due to long semaphore waitPS-9637
- BinLog Server Requirements IdentificationPS-9636
- Inconsistent Results with JSON_UNQUOTE Between Table and ViewPS-9635
- Inconsistent Results with CASE and Spatial Data Between Table and ViewPS-9634
- Inconsistent Results with ST_Collect in WHERE ClausePS-9633
- On version 5.7, repeated results were obtained when using group byPS-9630Resolved issue: PS-9630
- Review Simple LDAP documentation variablesPS-9629Resolved issue: PS-9629patrick.birch
- binlog_encryption does not work with component_keyring_kmipPS-9628oleksiy.lukin
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Like title says, ensure all replication tests exist and pass.
See similar task TDB-65