LP #1509561: pt-online-schema-change errors out while updating foreign key constraints
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Jira Bot March 29, 2020 at 4:15 PM
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Jira Bot March 19, 2020 at 11:55 AM
Hello ,
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Jira Bot March 4, 2020 at 10:56 AM
Hello ,
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Lalit Choudhary February 4, 2020 at 10:41 AM
Hi Pritpal,
Please test the same again with the latest version of the percona-toolkit version.

Jericho Rivera February 19, 2019 at 6:09 AM
This may be related to a bug when running pt-osc on tables with underscores in FK constraints. However, it would be good to check if this is repeatable in version 3.0.13 (latest as of this time). Also for future reports it would be great to include original table structure and a simple test case on a dummy table.


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**Reported in Launchpad by Pritpal last update 23-10-2015 22:47:08
Complete commandline used to run the tool
pt-online-schema-change --alter="add <column_name> varchar(45)" --set-vars innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50 --alter-foreign-keys-method rebuild_constraints --recursion-method=none --execute h=hostname,P=****,u=user,p=password,D=schema_name,t=table_name
Tool version
MySQL version of all servers involved
innodb_version | 5.6.19
version | 5.6.19-log
Output from the tool including STDERR
Is there a way to obtain more logs than what is mentioned below.
No slaves found. See --recursion-method if host ip-10-47-168-108 has slaves.
Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
Operation, tries, wait:
copy_rows, 10, 0.25
create_triggers, 10, 1
drop_triggers, 10, 1
swap_tables, 10, 1
update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
Child tables:
`schema_name`.`referencing_table_name` (approx. 25465033 rows)
Will use the rebuild_constraints method to update foreign keys.
Altering `schema_name`.`table_name`...
Creating new table...
Created new table schema_name._table_name_new OK.
Altering new table...
Altered `schema_name`.`_table_name_new` OK.
2015-10-22T22:53:00 Creating triggers...
2015-10-22T22:53:00 Created triggers OK.
2015-10-22T22:53:00 Copying approximately 23415900 rows...
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 2% 20:42 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 3% 27:06 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 4% 29:31 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 7% 24:32 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 10% 21:57 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 13% 20:03 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 15% 18:39 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 19% 16:42 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 23% 15:10 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 26% 13:53 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 30% 12:41 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 33% 11:46 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 37% 10:53 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 41% 10:05 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 44% 09:30 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 46% 09:06 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 50% 08:23 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 53% 07:43 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 57% 07:03 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 61% 06:24 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 64% 05:46 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 68% 05:10 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 71% 04:31 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 75% 03:55 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 78% 03:22 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 81% 02:52 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 85% 02:18 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 88% 01:44 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 92% 01:12 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 95% 00:39 remain
Copying `schema_name`.`table_name`: 99% 00:06 remain
2015-10-22T23:09:57 Copied rows OK.
2015-10-22T23:09:57 Swapping tables...
2015-10-22T23:09:57 Swapped original and new tables OK.
2015-10-22T23:09:57 Rebuilding foreign key constraints...
2015-10-23T01:10:02 Dropping triggers...
2015-10-23T01:10:02 Dropped triggers OK.
Altered `schema_name`.`table_name` but there were errors or warnings.
Error updating foreign key constraints: 2015-10-23T01:10:02 DBD::mysql::db do failed: Can't write; duplicate key in table '#sql-151c_40b1c9' [for Statement "ALTER TABLE `schema_name`.`referencing_table_name` DROP FOREIGN KEY `FK_referenced_column_name`, ADD CONSTRAINT `_FK_referenced_column_name` FOREIGN KEY (`referenced_column_name`) REFERENCES `schema_name`.`table_name` (`referenced_column_name`)"] at /usr/bin/pt-online-schema-change line 10220.
Input files (log/dump/config files, etc.)
The tool took a long amount of time(about 1 hour) at "Rebuilding foreign key contraints" stage. Also, there was no information as to what was happening. Is there a switch etc that we can use to make the tool more interactive and also to find the Dump of what happened last time.
To provide more information
– Referencing table has about 28 million rows.
– Referenced table has about 25 million rows.
We suspect that it is similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/percona-toolkit/+bug/1498128 but we need to be sure because we are again going to be using this tool soon to make similar changes.
Please advise.