Fernando Laudares Carmagos
Fernando Laudares CarmagosPriority
Affects versions
Smart Checklist
Smart Checklist
Created September 6, 2019 at 3:34 PM
Updated February 29, 2024 at 9:02 PM
Running pt-online-schema-change with --set-vars sql_mode=\'\' to convert a DOUBLE column to DECIMAL(16,4) is not fully working.
Here's a simple test case, first demonstrating how the default SQL modes prevent this alter:
Relaxing sql_mode will allow the truncated conversion of the values:
Now, trying to set sql_mode through the --set-vars option isn't fully working:
I've attached the full output file (/tmp/out2), here's a couple of excerpts from it:
We do see the:
above though. I run pt-osc once again adding --no-drop-new-table:
Inspecting _t1_new it does look to result in the table we want:
Which leaves me clueless as to why the tool is aborting with error 1264 despite the relaxed sql_mode.
I found old but while it also touches --set-vars and sql_mode the problem here seems to be a different one so it doesn't look like a regression.