Plugin hook before_swap_tables executed after swap when foreign keys exist


When using a plugin which uses the before_swap_tables-event, this event is triggered after swapping the tables when a tables has foreign keys and the parameter --alter-foreign-keys-method="drop swap" is been used.

Workaround: use the after_copy_rows`-event





Aaditya Dubey June 7, 2024 at 11:17 AM


Thank you for the report.
Verified as described.

$:~/percona-toolkit-3.5.7/bin$ ./pt-online-schema-change --version pt-online-schema-change 3.5.7 mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} ((none)) > select version(); +-----------+ | version() | +-----------+ | 8.0.36-28 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Create testing tables: mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > CREATE TABLE parent ( -> id INT NOT NULL, -> PRIMARY KEY (id) -> ) ENGINE=INNODB; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec) mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > CREATE TABLE child ( -> id INT, -> parent_id INT, -> INDEX par_ind (parent_id), -> FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) -> REFERENCES parent(id) -> ) ENGINE=INNODB; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > INSERT INTO parent (id) VALUES (1); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > SELECT * FROM parent; +----+ | id | +----+ | 1 | +----+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > INSERT INTO child (id,parent_id) VALUES (1,1); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) mysql [localhost:8036] {msandbox} (test) > select * from child; +------+-----------+ | id | parent_id | +------+-----------+ | 1 | 1 | +------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) CREATE TABLE `joinit` ( `i` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `s` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `t` time NOT NULL, `g` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`i`) ); INSERT INTO joinit VALUES (NULL, uuid(), time(now()), (FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) *60 ))); INSERT INTO joinit SELECT NULL, uuid(), time(now()), (FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) *60 )) FROM joinit; INSERT INTO joinit SELECT NULL, uuid(), time(now()), (FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) *60 )) FROM joinit; Clone the plugin: $ git clone Cloning into 'pt_online_schema_change_pause'... remote: Enumerating objects: 33, done. remote: Total 33 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 33 Unpacking objects: 100% (33/33), 11.36 KiB | 684.00 KiB/s, done. Run following Command on foreign key table: $:~/percona-toolkit-3.5.7/bin$ ./pt-online-schema-change --user='msandbox' --password='msandbox' --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox8036.sock --execute --plugin $HOME/pt_online_schema_change_pause/ --chunk-time=1 --nodrop-old-table --alter "add column foo int(11) default null, add column foo2 int(11) default null, add column foo3 int(11) default null, add column foo4 int(11) default null" D=test,t=parent --alter-foreign-keys-method "drop_swap" Created plugin from $HOME/pt_online_schema_change_pause/ No slaves found. See --recursion-method if host localhost has slaves. Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified. # A software update is available: Operation, tries, wait: analyze_table, 10, 1 copy_rows, 10, 0.25 create_triggers, 10, 1 drop_triggers, 10, 1 swap_tables, 10, 1 update_foreign_keys, 10, 1 Child tables: `test`.`child` (approx. 1 rows) Will use the drop_swap method to update foreign keys. Altering `test`.`parent`... Creating new table... Created new table test._parent_new OK. Altering new table... Altered `test`.`_parent_new` OK. 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Creating triggers... 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Created triggers OK. 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Copying approximately 1 rows... 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Copied rows OK. 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Drop-swapping tables... 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Analyzing new table... 2024-06-07T10:53:50 Dropped and swapped tables OK. ====================================================================================== SCRIPT WILL ONLY SWAP TABLE IF FILE IS NOT PRESENT ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt ====================================================================================== File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File is ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt NOT present will swap tables now! Not dropping old table because --no-drop-old-table was specified. 2024-06-07T11:01:50 Dropping triggers... 2024-06-07T11:01:50 Dropped triggers OK. Successfully altered `test`.`parent`. Run following command on without foreign key table: adi@localhost:~/percona-toolkit-3.5.7/bin$ ./pt-online-schema-change --user='msandbox' --password='msandbox' --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox8036.sock --execute --plugin $HOME/pt_online_schema_change_pause/ --chunk-time=1 --nodrop-old-table --alter "add column foo int(11) default null, add column foo2 int(11) default null, add column foo3 int(11) default null, add column foo4 int(11) default null" D=test,t=joinit --alter-foreign-keys-method "drop_swap" Created plugin from $HOME/pt_online_schema_change_pause/ No slaves found. See --recursion-method if host localhost has slaves. Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified. Operation, tries, wait: analyze_table, 10, 1 copy_rows, 10, 0.25 create_triggers, 10, 1 drop_triggers, 10, 1 swap_tables, 10, 1 update_foreign_keys, 10, 1 No foreign keys reference `test`.`joinit`; ignoring --alter-foreign-keys-method. Altering `test`.`joinit`... Creating new table... Created new table test._joinit_new OK. Altering new table... Altered `test`.`_joinit_new` OK. 2024-06-07T11:05:46 Creating triggers... 2024-06-07T11:05:46 Created triggers OK. 2024-06-07T11:05:46 Copying approximately 4 rows... 2024-06-07T11:05:46 Copied rows OK. ====================================================================================== SCRIPT WILL ONLY SWAP TABLE IF FILE IS NOT PRESENT ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt ====================================================================================== File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file File ./pt_schema_change_wait_.txt is present will delay table swap by 1 minute to proceed silmply delete this file ^C# Exiting on SIGINT. Not dropping triggers because the tool was interrupted. To drop the triggers, execute: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `test`.`pt_osc_test_joinit_del` DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `test`.`pt_osc_test_joinit_upd` DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `test`.`pt_osc_test_joinit_ins` Not dropping the new table `test`.`_joinit_new` because the tool was interrupted. To drop the new table, execute: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test`.`_joinit_new`; `test`.`joinit` was not altered.

You will notice that the `before_swap_tables` event is triggered after swapping the tables when a table has foreign keys and the parameter alter-foreign-keys-method="drop_swap" is used.





Affects versions

Needs QA


Smart Checklist

Created May 19, 2024 at 12:43 PM
Updated June 7, 2024 at 11:17 AM