The tool should fail if the boundaries are empty. I updated the error message so it is less confusing.
Aaditya Dubey July 22, 2024 at 10:28 AM
This issue is now verified and data is being lost when we run the pt-online-schema-change with job ID having null boundaries:
--no-drop-old-table is a saviour otherwise we lose the data completely so here in this case data can be recovered from old table or backup if available.
Aaditya Dubey July 12, 2024 at 1:11 PM
Hi Team,
We tried reproducing the error and were not able to get the same outcome:
Creating table data:
Running pt-osc and killing it in between:
We manually updated the table `percona.pt_osc_history` to set new_table_name=null
And retried pt-osc and were not able to reproduce the described behaviour:
Table data is lost if you accidentally resume a previously failed job that has null boundaries.
Run and stop the command multiple times: this will create multiple history entries with
in the new_table_name column:Resume from correct job and stop: this will set new_table_name for all previous entries:
Resume a job with null boundaries: