pt-online-schema-change resume functionality doesn't work with ADD/DROP column
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Sveta Smirnova 2 days ago
version 3.7.1 is in progress. But you don’t have to wait it: just grab recent version of pt-online-schema-change from GitHub at and use it.

Kunal Vallecha (Engineering - Central) 5 days ago
When is version 3.7.1 releasing?

Kunal Vallecha (Engineering - Central) February 27, 2025 at 7:10 AM
What is the ETA for fixing the bug?

Perry Harrington January 25, 2025 at 12:31 AM
LOL, found a bug in my patch, missing parens around the test caused a boolean to be assigned if resume wasn’t used

Perry Harrington January 23, 2025 at 9:20 PM
We are using pt-osc and ran into this error. The problem is on line 9806
, adding the new column to the _new
table is unconditional, which is incorrect when resuming a migration. Here is my fix, it doesn’t have guardrails if the _new
table wasn’t already modified, but pt-osc will fail below that anyway, so…
When trying the option --resume during an ADD/DROP operation pt-online-schema-change fails not recognizing the existing column.
We have created a test case for reproducing the failure:
Once the data is inserted we run and interrupt (via ctrl+c) the following command:
And then tried to resume Job id = 1
History table doesn’t show anything interesting:
Seems that 2nd run is not checking the previous job properly.