LP #996649: pt-query-digest QPS, concurrency and other time-related stats don't work on Percona Server enhanced slow logs


**Reported in Launchpad by Jay Janssen last update 17-09-2013 17:44:35

This seems like a reason not to use the enhanced slow query log with pt-query-digest. The slow log I am looking at has SET timestamp= before each query. Can that be used to get timing information?

If not, can/should a datestamp be added to the enhanced stats so pt-query-digest can get all this info?



Smart Checklist



lpjirasync January 24, 2018 at 3:36 PM

**Comment from Launchpad by: Rolf on: 02-03-2013 13:18:26

This affects mysql community 5.5 and most likely 5.1. This is particularly problematic when trying to play back old slow logs through a review function. In my case I am trying add some enhancements to Box's Anemometer and have to rely on bin logs as the timestamps do work there.

lpjirasync January 24, 2018 at 3:36 PM

**Comment from Launchpad by: Jay Janssen on: 08-05-2012 17:12:42


  1. Overall: 796.65k total, 467 unique, 0 QPS, 0x concurrency ______________

  2. Query 1: 0 QPS, 0x concurrency, ID 0x5826F19FB94468B5 at byte 308614642

the Digest also doesn't show the time range of the queries run.





Smart Checklist

Created January 24, 2018 at 3:36 PM
Updated December 21, 2019 at 2:32 PM