Kindly explain --close-files option in more details in xtrabackup doc
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patrick.birch June 7, 2024 at 1:45 PM
This ticket is based on a old version of the documentation.

Lalit Choudhary January 30, 2020 at 7:21 AM
Thank for the report.
--close-files option used only for backup and not during the prepare stage.
Marking it as a documentation bug.
Documentation should have description something like below,
Do not keep files opened. When xtrabackup opens tablespace at the time of taking backup it normally doesn’t close its file handle in order to handle the DDL operations correctly.

Vishal Kasle April 30, 2018 at 11:21 AM
Hello Nil,
I tried to use the option with different scenarios while taking the backup and preparing it. during the backup, xtrabackup warned me about the usage as mentioned in the doc. But while preparing the backup in any instance it did not notify me or warn me. I will check with the dev team, from my personal opinion it seems that the option can only be used while taking the backup and if that is not the case I will try to move this request to documentation bug once confirmed internally.


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Hi Team,
It's unclear that if --close-files option is applicable only for backup or also for --apply-log/prepare? Can you please describe more in details this option in documentation?