- Percona XtraDB 8.0.33-25-1 Nodes 2 and 3 cannot join the clusterPXC-4317Resolved issue: PXC-4317
- Support obtaining binary log coordinates from performance_schema.log_statusPXB-1627Resolved issue: PXB-1627Sergei Glushchenko
- Support encrypted redo logsPXB-1626Resolved issue: PXB-1626Sergei Glushchenko
- TokuDB 'fast' replace into is incompatible with 8.0 row replicationPS-4814Resolved issue: PS-4814George Lorch
- Fix minimum value of tokudb_max_lock_memory in 8.0PS-4799Resolved issue: PS-4799George Lorch
- 8.0 deprecates sql_mode maxdb and breaks mtr test(s)PS-4792Resolved issue: PS-4792George Lorch
- key buffer overrunPS-4736Resolved issue: PS-4736George Lorch
- Support 8.0 DESC index for MyRocksPS-4714Resolved issue: PS-4714
- Enable TokuDB in 8.0 mtrPS-4426Resolved issue: PS-4426George Lorch
- Detect and halt changes to Field::make_sort_key methodsPS-4192Resolved issue: PS-4192
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