- mysql binary doesn't find debian/ubuntu terminfo filesDISTMYSQL-481
- VictoriaMetrics v1.102.X upgradePMM-13572
- Setting MYSQL_COMMAND_LOCAL_THD_HANDLE may crash the serverPS-9551Yura Sorokin
- Add PXC 8.4 support for version serviceK8SPXC-1513
- For PXC >= 8.4 Inslall binlog_utils_udf functions via INSTALL COMPONENTK8SPXC-1512
- Use keyring vault component for PXC 8.4.0 insted of keyring vault pluginK8SPXC-1511
- PMM does not found a plan for some queriesPMM-13570
- Enable log_error_suppression_list to reduce spam in MySQL error logK8SPXC-1510
- [UI] Update button label - upgrade crd versionEVEREST-1687
- PERCONA_PORTAL_URL wasn't migrated to new format with PMM_ prefix.PMM-13569
- Cascading disk fill-up due to WAL file accumulationK8SPG-685
- Add WAL encryption details to the documentationPG-1229Anastasia Alexandrova
- Use 24h formatEVEREST-1686Fábio Da Silva
- Add pgvectorscale and pgaiPG-1228Muhammad Aqeel
- [UI] Increase spacing in shards sectionEVEREST-1685
- Helm chart has trouble passing "boolean" for instance and pgBackrest tolerationsK8SPG-684Julio Pasinatto
- [UI] Remove blue background from expandable cardEVEREST-1684
- Provide list of SANs for the certificates in PSMDB operatorK8SPSMDB-1228
- AMI and OVF RC build is brokenPMM-13567talha.rizwan
- MongoDB service failed with an Abort6 error on version 3.6.13PSMDB-1560Resolved issue: PSMDB-1560radoslaw.szulgo
- cluster temporarily enters error state when pitr is enabledK8SPXC-1509
- OIDC made easier for PostgreSQLPG-1227
- Support of anonymization for PGPG-1226
- server closed the connection unexpectedly when user try to create pg_tde extension without pg_tde reloading shared_preload_librariesPG-1225Zsolt Parragi
- pg_tde extension cannot be loaded anymorePG-1224Resolved issue: PG-1224
- Update documentation to configure HA with Patroni setup easilyPG-1223Anastasia Alexandrova
- Add scraping of sys.innodb_lock_waits for additional QAN dataPMM-13565
- Internal keys should NOT be referenced ONLY by relNumberPG-1222
- Automated documentation testingPG-1221
- Update documentation to update/remove steps for statically linked LLVM.PG-1220Anastasia Alexandrova
- Release notes 7.0.15-9PSMDB-1559Anastasia Alexandrova
- Release notes 6.0.19-16PSMDB-1558Anastasia Alexandrova
- [UI] Backups on the database overview page should be sorted in descending order by Started date and timeEVEREST-1683Diana Birsan
- Automate images and provider versions provisioning for Jenkins jobsK8SPXC-1508Pavel Tankov
- arm64 Docker image of version serviceCLOUD-873Slava Sarzhan
- pg_tde nightly build is failingPG-1219Resolved issue: PG-1219Muhammad Aqeel
- [UI] update support linkEVEREST-1682Diogo Recharte
- Cannot delete MongoDB in initializing stateK8SPSMDB-1227
- [UI] Edit PITR actionEVEREST-1681Diana Birsan
- Providing pg_tde for customers on older version(s)PG-1218
- Document custom configuration for PBMK8SPSMDB-1226dmitriy.kostiuk
- pg_tde ERROR: invalid page in block 0 of relation base/16384/16437PG-1217Resolved issue: PG-1217Zsolt Parragi
- Certify pg_tde behavior in Patroni and HA setup.PG-1216shahidullah.khan
- pg_tde_is_encrypted() does not allow a schema namePG-1215Zsolt Parragi
- [UI] Connection URL is not being displayed properlyEVEREST-1680Oksana Grishchenko
- Release tasks for PS 8.4.2 proPKG-299Vadim Yalovets
- Node leaves cluster when tying to grant table specific permissions to userPXC-4568Aaditya Dubey
- Stop balancer and chunks autosplit automatically during restorePBM-1452
- Integrate pgvector into ppg-distribution Q4-2024PG-1214naeem.akhter
- Improve incremental backup nomination mechanismPBM-1451
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