- Mongos are shown in the "QPS for Config servers" graphPMM-13239Resolved issue: PMM-13239
- PMM server helm chart v.2.25.0: pmm-agent with ID "pmm-server" is not currently connectedPMM-13117Resolved issue: PMM-13117
- [BE] Single Inventory Agents/Change endpointPMM-12811Resolved issue: PMM-12811Alex Demidoff
- [BE] Single Inventory Agents/Add endpointPMM-12680Resolved issue: PMM-12680Alex Demidoff
- [BE] Single Inventory Services/Add endpointPMM-12624Resolved issue: PMM-12624Alex Demidoff
- ARM64 builds for PMM ServerPMM-11932Resolved issue: PMM-11932
- Exporters and agents have Done status after PMM server upgradePMM-11483Resolved issue: PMM-11483
- Run STT checks in parallelPMM-9436
- Increase timout for STT checks executionPMM-9435Resolved issue: PMM-9435Artem Gavrilov
- [E-mail] Alerting: Improve alert messagePMM-8981Resolved issue: PMM-8981vasyl.yurkovych
- [Investigation] Use ZSTD compression codec for Query Analitycs data in clickhousePMM-8879Artem Gavrilov
- Backup Management: Add retention support to PITR backup artifactsPMM-8878
- Integrated Alerting: Clarify description of the 'Low memory' Alert TemplatePMM-8505Resolved issue: PMM-8505Maksym Hilliaka
- [Slack] Alerting: Improve alert messagePMM-8504Resolved issue: PMM-8504Maksym Hilliaka
- Rename Alertmanager Integration tab in settings to External alertmanagerPMM-8501
- PMM2 Custom Prometheus configuration is broken: /srv/prometheus/prometheus.base.ymlPMM-6002Resolved issue: PMM-6002Nailya Kutlubaeva
- Add ingress option to pmm-server helm chartCLOUD-590Resolved issue: CLOUD-590Ivan Pylypenko
- Pass statefulset annotations in pmm-server helm chartCLOUD-589
- StorageClass annotation not working in helm chartCLOUD-514Resolved issue: CLOUD-514Ivan Pylypenko
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