- Memory leak in when system tablespace is encryptedPS-5679Resolved issue: PS-5679
- `SET PERSIST ONLY innodb_sys_tablespace_encrypt`="ON" created an entry in the mysqld-auto.cnf and would cause a server restart to fail.PS-5652Resolved issue: PS-5652Satya Bodapati
- Encrypt with MK pages 1-4 of system tablespacePS-5557Resolved issue: PS-5557
- innodb_system tablespace information missing from I_S innodb_tablespaces viewPS-5473Resolved issue: PS-5473Satya Bodapati
- Memory leak on innodb.percona_sys_tablespace_encrypt_dblwrPS-5152Resolved issue: PS-5152
- Improve error message when encrypted system tablespace is started without keyring pluginPS-4895Resolved issue: PS-4895
- encrypted system tablespace has empty uuidPS-4834Resolved issue: PS-4834Satya Bodapati
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