- Victoriametrics configuration reload every couple of seconds because of malfunctioning agent in pmm-agentPMM-8495
- [UI] Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7848Resolved issue: PMM-7848
- [API] Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7847Resolved issue: PMM-7847Jiří Čtvrtka
- Error when trying to add MongoDb Service - Connection check failed: timeout (context deadline exceeded)PMM-7846
- Security Checks: Show "Insufficient access permissions" in UI for non admin usersPMM-7649Resolved issue: PMM-7649Tiago Mota
- [ API ] QAN for Postgresql attempts to connect to a database with the same name as the usernamePMM-7555Resolved issue: PMM-7555Jiří Čtvrtka
- Too many options presented in SMTP setupPMM-7492Resolved issue: PMM-7492Fábio Da Silva
- Upgrade from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0 failsPMM-7474Resolved issue: PMM-7474
- Move System Summary to collapsed rowPMM-7439
- MongoDB service is not displayed on Service Type and Services charts on Node dashboardPMM-7436Nailya Kutlubaeva
- Integrated Alerting: Add/Update Alert Rule: Unknown parameters [threshold].PMM-7434Resolved issue: PMM-7434
- Integrated Alerting: Easier-to-read rule details in Alert Rules listPMM-7433Resolved issue: PMM-7433Fábio Da Silva
- IA: Password field empty after applying changesPMM-7432Resolved issue: PMM-7432Vojtech Koval
- IA: Fix tooltips on Communication settings pagePMM-7427Resolved issue: PMM-7427Fábio Da Silva
- Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7421Resolved issue: PMM-7421Jiří Čtvrtka
- Dashboards: PostgreSQL Instance Summary: Some panels (e.g. Tuple) not using selected databasePMM-7416Resolved issue: PMM-7416
- Use Grafana API for operations with foldersPMM-7410Resolved issue: PMM-7410Vadim Yalovets
- DbaaS Setup with Minikube 1.17.0 Config generation gives ErrorsPMM-7404Resolved issue: PMM-7404
- PMM-Admin: Adding services to monitoring with password onlyPMM-7398
- Integrated Alerting: Alerts tab error if user deletes Alert Rule which has Firing alertsPMM-7396Resolved issue: PMM-7396Zoriana Stefanyshyn
- Cannot see Examples content for postgreSQLPMM-7393Resolved issue: PMM-7393Jiří Čtvrtka
- DBaaS: Change Number of Nodes when editing TopologyPMM-7392Resolved issue: PMM-7392Tiago Mota
- PostgreSQL Summary - Temp files - Remove panels with monotonic seriesPMM-7390Roma Novikov
- IA: User can not change Alert Rule NamePMM-7378Resolved issue: PMM-7378Fábio Da Silva
- Integrated Alerting: It is possible to create Alert Rule with negative duration timePMM-7346Resolved issue: PMM-7346Fábio Da Silva
- Pmm-admin logs too verbose into syslog Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) PMM 2.xPMM-7326Resolved issue: PMM-7326
- Dashboards: MySQL User Details: user labels unreadable with high number (>20) of usersPMM-7325Resolved issue: PMM-7325Vadim Yalovets
- Error when accessing Metrics data on Dashboards for large installationsPMM-7312Resolved issue: PMM-7312
- VictoriaMetrics consuming 100's Gb's of disk in /tmp/searchResults in PMM 2.13.0PMM-7310Resolved issue: PMM-7310
- Disk Details, Nodes Compare dashboards: 'Disk Utilization' description is confusingPMM-7303Resolved issue: PMM-7303
- The attribute max_alerts is not valid for webhook_configs for AlertManager version included in PMM v2.13.0PMM-7302Resolved issue: PMM-7302Dávid Mikuš
- DBaaS backup attempting to run despite cluster being paused, fills k8s with errorsPMM-7291Resolved issue: PMM-7291
- unable to setup oauth2-proxy (google) for pmm grafanaPMM-7290Resolved issue: PMM-7290
- DB Cluster Validation alerts on capital letters but warning makes no mention of all lowercase requirementPMM-7289Resolved issue: PMM-7289
- Swagger UI does not work without trailing slash in URLPMM-7283Resolved issue: PMM-7283
- percona/mysqld_exporter BINARY LOGS in MySQL 8.0PMM-7273Resolved issue: PMM-7273
- alertmanager not reading /srv/alertmanager/alertmanager.base.yml file after upgrade to PMM 2.13.0PMM-7271Resolved issue: PMM-7271Lalit Choudhary
- PMM 2.13.0 add error in vmalert.log for alerts on each restart of pmm-serverPMM-7270Resolved issue: PMM-7270
- Update proxysql_exporter to export metrics from tables stats_mysql_users and stats_mysql_commands_countersPMM-7261Roma Novikov
- PMM does not go up after container restartPMM-7256Resolved issue: PMM-7256Lalit Choudhary
- Query Analytics: Query Time column's time unit is wrong for MongoDB queries.PMM-7254
- Integrated Alerting: Error 'Rule with ID "mysql_version" not found' if both Security Threat Tool and Integrated Alerting enabledPMM-7251Resolved issue: PMM-7251
- DBaaS: Confusing error "Cannot get PSMDB/PXC cluster" appears after removing DB clusterPMM-7250Resolved issue: PMM-7250Tiago Mota
- DBaas: Disk size is always 0 for Percona XtraDB clusterPMM-7247Resolved issue: PMM-7247Nurlan Moldomurov
- QAN service is not running in containerPMM-7244Resolved issue: PMM-7244
- Instance Overview dashboards behave inconsistentlyPMM-7224Resolved issue: PMM-7224Fábio Da Silva
- Confusing "Access denied" message for 'Viewer' users on many dashboardsPMM-7208Resolved issue: PMM-7208Tiago Mota
- Fix wording for Suspend/Resume statuses and buttonsPMM-7189Resolved issue: PMM-7189Roma Novikov
- [ UI ] QAN for Postgresql attempts to connect to a database with the same name as the usernamePMM-7131Resolved issue: PMM-7131
- mysql_slowlog_agent does not workPMM-7081
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