- pmm shows not correct value of inbound/outbound network traffic on gke nodesPMM-12412Aaditya Dubey
- Percona Alerting - Notifications - (1) shouldnt accept non existing labels and (2) no contact points specifiedPMM-12240Resolved issue: PMM-12240
- Facing issue while adding mongos to grafanaPMM-11532
- Verify that Name of the rule is properly inherited from the termplatePMM-11357Resolved issue: PMM-11357Filip Mikes
- RDS exporter and Azure exporter with flag "--version"PMM-11312Resolved issue: PMM-11312Yaroslav Podorvanov
- If i try to take backup from service without running pmm-agent it cause infinite pending state.PMM-11251Artem Gavrilov
- Cannot Delete Backup stored at GCC S3 storagePMM-11249Artem Gavrilov
- pmm-server package should be removed during upgradePMM-11239Resolved issue: PMM-11239Nurlan Moldomurov
- Migrate coded panels from grafana-dashboards repo to grafanaPMM-11198Fábio Da Silva
- Improvements for Inventory pagePMM-11197Resolved issue: PMM-11197Pedro Fernandes
- Advisors checks failed with the errorPMM-11193Resolved issue: PMM-11193Artem Gavrilov
- DBaaS - not possible to deploy recent MongoDB versionsPMM-11188Resolved issue: PMM-11188
- Cannot add service for Postgres instance configured with non-default port while using UNIX socketPMM-11187
- Backup - Create new backup - Allow better filtering on "Service name"PMM-11171Resolved issue: PMM-11171Fábio Da Silva
- Verify sufficient permission for the folder used for LocalStorage.PMM-11170
- Already created folder cause infinite pending statePMM-11169
- All agents, except pmm-agent, have NULL values in "version" and "runs_on_node_id" fields in "agents" table of internal PostgreSQL dbPMM-11154Resolved issue: PMM-11154Yaroslav Podorvanov
- Node Summary: Inconsistent metrics from dbaas clustersPMM-11138
- PMM is Not presenting data on some panelsPMM-11131Resolved issue: PMM-11131Anton Bystrov
- Alerting: Firing alerts lost on rule deletePMM-11130
- PMM server cannot be updatedPMM-11126Resolved issue: PMM-11126rasika.chivate
- Number of updates/inserts/deletes in a selected periodPMM-11101Resolved issue: PMM-11101Santo Leto
- QAN - Comparing performance between periodsPMM-11099Resolved issue: PMM-11099
- User is able to visit page which should not be accessible because of low permissions.PMM-11098Resolved issue: PMM-11098Filip Mikes
- QAN - Identifying long running queriesPMM-11097Resolved issue: PMM-11097
- DBaaS: Cannot click links in tooltipsPMM-11096Iaroslavna Soloveva
- Execute mongoBackups on Clusters, not ServicesPMM-11088Roma Novikov
- Backup inventory - hide "create backup" action until better definitionPMM-11085Resolved issue: PMM-11085Catalina Adam
- Performance issues with infoSchemaInnodbMetricsEnabledColumnQueryPMM-11082Resolved issue: PMM-11082Jiří Čtvrtka
- Scheduled backup tasks with identical names allowed to createPMM-11069Resolved issue: PMM-11069Catalina Adam
- Agent version not shown in PMMPMM-11068Resolved issue: PMM-11068Pedro Fernandes
- High Availability for PMMPMM-11063Resolved issue: PMM-11063
- CPU usage labels are confusingPMM-11061
- innodb graph is not titled like the othersPMM-11060Resolved issue: PMM-11060Anton Bystrov
- User is able to use non existing artifact for restore.PMM-11059Artem Gavrilov
- Released version of PMM is not displayed on update widgetPMM-11057
- Alerting: Missing mongodb down template when offlinePMM-11051Resolved issue: PMM-11051
- Home dashboard: typo in COMMAND CENTER graphsPMM-11041Resolved issue: PMM-11041Anton Bystrov
- [FE] Visualize pitr_timestamp and finished_at fields in "Restore history" pagePMM-11035Resolved issue: PMM-11035Catalina Adam
- pmm-agent: killed when --max-query-length <= 3PMM-11029Resolved issue: PMM-11029Jiří Čtvrtka
- DBaaS: External Access says Disabled even if cluster is exposedPMM-11020
- Helm: k8s cluster is not added to PMM when using non default namespacePMM-11013Resolved issue: PMM-11013
- QAN: PG queries not truncated exactly after set max-query-lengthPMM-11011
- QAN: truncated queries don't show up in QAN with certain filtersPMM-11010
- MySQL backup if mysql is in dead -inactive state.PMM-11009Artem Gavrilov
- MongoDB Exporter Diagnostic Data collector Average scrape time is too highPMM-11005shashank.sinha
- Running Advisors checks on Postgresql without default postgres DB doesn't workPMM-11004Resolved issue: PMM-11004Artem Gavrilov
- Cannot remove description from storage location once it is added.PMM-10996Resolved issue: PMM-10996Pavel Khripkov
- Explain max-query-length betterPMM-10989
- Backup restore hangs forever and prevents removing backup artifactPMM-10984
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