- pmm shows not correct value of inbound/outbound network traffic on gke nodesPMM-12412Aaditya Dubey
- PMM Inventory: PMM Server is considered a generic type although it is a docker containerPMM-11874
- Inconsistent subcategoriesPMM-11832Resolved issue: PMM-11832Fábio Da Silva
- Image report unknown error when exported with rendererPMM-11803
- Please change Alert when Admin user try to force disconnect the PMM-Instance from PortalPMM-11757
- DBaaS: Improvements for operators installation failurePMM-11700Resolved issue: PMM-11700
- PostgreSQL exporter throws "queryNamespaceMappings returned N errors"PMM-11686
- DBaaS: MongoDB Configuration field doesn't workPMM-11673
- pmm-admin config assumes services restart automaticallyPMM-11668
- Environment filter is missing from OS dashboardsPMM-11664Resolved issue: PMM-11664Anton Bystrov
- Enable filtering using custom labelsPMM-11663
- Support changing labels via pmm-admin configPMM-11662
- Forbid harmful modifications on DBaaSPMM-11660Resolved issue: PMM-11660
- QAN: Command Type filter doesn't work properlyPMM-11657
- Home Dashboard Names are wrongly configuredPMM-11656
- New config isn't being implemented to pbm when trying to restore not the latest backupPMM-11646Pavel Khripkov
- MySQL system service cannot be found in some casesPMM-11645Resolved issue: PMM-11645Artem Gavrilov
- Unregister K8 cluster - document what happensPMM-11635Resolved issue: PMM-11635
- k8s cluster registration - "paste from clipboard" does not workPMM-11633Resolved issue: PMM-11633
- MongoDB cluster creation & resume ops - "Cluster status" reports imprecise info about actual progressPMM-11630Resolved issue: PMM-11630
- MongoDB metrics not workingPMM-11629Resolved issue: PMM-11629
- Include a CVE fix in OpenSSL (CVE-2023-0286)PMM-11619Resolved issue: PMM-11619talha.rizwan
- pmm-agent run manually (outside systemd) errors out when adding agent.PMM-11603Resolved issue: PMM-11603Jiří Čtvrtka
- PXC Cluster does not provide HAProxy read-only endpointPMM-11599Resolved issue: PMM-11599
- Unable to control ClickHouse memory usagePMM-11593Roma Novikov
- Database instance count on OS overview is incorrectPMM-11588Resolved issue: PMM-11588Anton Bystrov
- Scheduled backup tasks not starting properlyPMM-11587
- DBaaS - Cannot edit Network and SecurityPMM-11586Resolved issue: PMM-11586
- Getting MySQL Error 1064 when trying to show Explain Plan in PMM 2.34.0PMM-11577Resolved issue: PMM-11577
- DBaaS: DB cluster creation doesn't workPMM-11573Resolved issue: PMM-11573
- Improve communication PMM to PlatformPMM-11572
- DBaaS: show Advanced settings on dbcluster pagePMM-11569
- DBaaS: disable selection of MySQL version < 8.0.27PMM-11568
- User can create API call for Logical Backup [MySQL] which cause 'internal server error'PMM-11564
- DBaaS: Expected resources not calculated when CPU or mem is set to less than 1PMM-11542
- DBaaS: Source Range validationPMM-11538
- DBaaS: Explain Internet Facing check boxPMM-11537Resolved issue: PMM-11537Iaroslavna Soloveva
- Exporters and agents have Done status after PMM server upgradePMM-11483Resolved issue: PMM-11483
- DBaaS: Custom resources disabled when editing DB clusterPMM-11441Iaroslavna Soloveva
- Dashboards: No data on PostgreSQL Instances ComparePMM-11429Resolved issue: PMM-11429
- Dashboards: No data on Number of Locks graphPMM-11425Resolved issue: PMM-11425
- Navigation from New Homedashboard panels to specific dashboard is brokenPMM-11408Resolved issue: PMM-11408Anton Bystrov
- postgres_exporter is started using more CPU after upgrade to 2.34.0PMM-11405Resolved issue: PMM-11405Nailya Kutlubaeva
- Alerting: Empty rule name in pop up messagesPMM-11399Resolved issue: PMM-11399Filip Mikes
- DBaaS: Can create only recommended version of PXC clusterPMM-11396Resolved issue: PMM-11396Former user
- DBaaS: Kubernetes cluster in Provisioning after upgrade to PMM 2.34.0PMM-11393Resolved issue: PMM-11393
- Confusing UI for logsPMM-11392
- Wrong memory calculation for PXCPMM-11387Resolved issue: PMM-11387Andrei Minkin
- Improve PMM disconnection from PortalPMM-11383Resolved issue: PMM-11383Fábio Da Silva
- DBaaS: Creating DB cluster with an existing name should not be possiblePMM-11375Resolved issue: PMM-11375
50 of 70
pmm shows not correct value of inbound/outbound network traffic on gke nodes
How to test
How to document
Created August 10, 2023 at 11:01 AM
Updated May 20, 2024 at 7:24 AM
Graphic of mongodb on-prem nodes are fine ( first screen ), but on google nodes ( second screen ) graphic shows not correct value. Current version of pmm 2.38. In gke mongodb nodes are preemtible, there are no other apps/infrastructure except pmm on them. Please feel free to leave a comment what info/logs/etc I should add to help you investigate and solve the issue