- PMM backup for PXCPMM-13619
- Allow cleartext passwords when adding MySQL to PMMPMM-13513
- don't show "pmm queries" from QANPMM-13484
- monitoring tools for aurora mysqlPMM-13457Resolved issue: PMM-13457
- PMM not reporting InnoDB Contention stats for MySQL 8.0PMM-13338Tibor Korocz (Percona)
- Custom Queries Not Displaying Metrics in GUI for Some RDS ServersPMM-13219Aaditya Dubey
- Support of partial Certificates for Remote MySQL monitoringPMM-13103
- Custom metrics for MySQL are not workingPMM-12424Resolved issue: PMM-12424
- Unused and big amount of timeSeries generatedPMM-12274
- Custom queries don't support repeated namespacePMM-12199
- Customer queries are hard to debug in a default configurationPMM-10539
- Some metrics name crashes custom queriesPMM-10536
- MySQL: Add meta-metric support in exportersPMM-10324Resolved issue: PMM-10324shashank.sinha
- Mysql Instance Summary Dashboard Buffer Pool Size of Total RAM value is N/APMM-10308
- MySQL exporter : Move to Golang 1.18PMM-10003Resolved issue: PMM-10003
- Enormous space usage and slow queries for Group replication monitoringPMM-9981Resolved issue: PMM-9981
- Inconsistent help commandsPMM-9929
- Configurable exporters log levelPMM-9840Resolved issue: PMM-9840
- Smart Metrics Collection (Phase 1)PMM-9810Resolved issue: PMM-9810shashank.sinha
- InnoDB stats missing in MariaDB 10.6PMM-9623
- [SPIKE] Investigate/Test PMM compatibility with Aurora3PMM-9451Resolved issue: PMM-9451Former user
- PMM compatibility with Aurora3PMM-9191
- SHOW BINARY LOGS not parsed properly for MySQL8PMM-9100Resolved issue: PMM-9100
- tls connection/options not working for mysql with custom certificates and TLS verification methodPMM-8999Resolved issue: PMM-8999
- mysqld_exporter's chooseQuery too verbosePMM-8622
- PMM Inventory: MySQL exporter in RUNNING status but no metrics collectedPMM-8261
- Use SHOW REPLICA STATUS when availablePMM-8183
- Include/Maintain version info in exportersPMM-8136
- Migrate mysqld_exporter to Go modulesPMM-8130Resolved issue: PMM-8130Carlos Salguero
- Multi-request protection breaks metrics gatheringPMM-8090Resolved issue: PMM-8090Carlos Salguero
- [UI] Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7848Resolved issue: PMM-7848
- [API] Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7847Resolved issue: PMM-7847Jiří Čtvrtka
- mysqld_exporter - auto_increments collection failingPMM-7831Resolved issue: PMM-7831
- Custom Queries with @@ in query are not workingPMM-7824
- mysqld_exporter errors when slave_parallel_workers > 1 on MySQL 8.0PMM-7675
- move exporters to the github actionsPMM-7602Resolved issue: PMM-7602Andrii Skomorokhov
- Add TLS options to mysqld_exporterPMM-7572Resolved issue: PMM-7572
- Add support for using SSL certificates between pmm-admin and monitored MySQL databasesPMM-7421Resolved issue: PMM-7421Jiří Čtvrtka
- percona/mysqld_exporter BINARY LOGS in MySQL 8.0PMM-7273Resolved issue: PMM-7273
- Remove vendor/PMM-7109Resolved issue: PMM-7109
- Migrate to Go modulesPMM-7106Resolved issue: PMM-7106
- PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA memory utilizationPMM-7070
- Try to Avoid disc usage during the data collection by PMMPMM-7050Roma Novikov
- MySql Pmm-Client v2 no statsPMM-6910Resolved issue: PMM-6910
- mysql-exporter not runningPMM-6781Resolved issue: PMM-6781Lalit Choudhary
- Enable custom database and table support for pt-heartbeatPMM-6656
- mysql_exporter replication_group_member_statsPMM-6478
- InnoDB dashboards not showing data for MariaDB and error in the pmm-managed logPMM-6337Roma Novikov
- Force an alert when detecting too many connectionsPMM-6095
- Add go-consistent to all repositoriesPMM-6076
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