- Explain plan takes forever starting from version 8.0.16 and also in current 8.0.34PS-9023
- MySQL 8.0.16-7 crash on centos 7PS-6916Resolved issue: PS-6916
- The execution of a stored function in a WHERE clause was skipped.PS-6767Resolved issue: PS-6767Peter Schwaller
- Document that TokuDB and MyRocks tables do not support the new clone plugin and APIPS-6073Resolved issue: PS-6073patrick.birch
- Table comments changed to [view] is not BASE TABLEPS-6030Resolved issue: PS-6030
- Travis CI: -DWITH_PROTOBUF=system fails on Ubuntu XenialPS-6028Resolved issue: PS-6028Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Null merge PS-5.7.27 into 8.0PS-6026Resolved issue: PS-6026Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Missing component_*.so Binaries in percona-server-server 8.0.16-7-1.bionicPS-6020Resolved issue: PS-6020Evgeniy Patlan
- Crashing when using savepoints [MY-013183] [InnoDB] Assertion failure: issue: PS-6015
- ALTER TABLE PARTITION BY RANGE crashes mysql when expand_fast_index_creation=1PS-6014Resolved issue: PS-6014nitendra.bhosle
- add mysql shell into docker imagePS-6006Resolved issue: PS-6006Evgeniy Patlan
- missing latest mysql shell in the apt/yum repoPS-6004Resolved issue: PS-6004Evgeniy Patlan
- Re-enable assertions in os_event_global_destroy() (Post 8.0.17-merge fix)PS-6003Resolved issue: PS-6003Satya Bodapati
- Create/alter event state to keep enabled on slavesPS-6002Resolved issue: PS-6002Venkatesh Prasad
- Add LLVM/clang-9 to Travis CIPS-5997Resolved issue: PS-5997Przemyslaw Skibinski
- main.ssl_bug75311 fails on platforms with OpenSSL 1.1.1PS-5996Resolved issue: PS-5996Kamil Holubicki
- Direct leak in encryption.innodb-read-onlyPS-5993Resolved issue: PS-5993Yura Sorokin
- Direct leak in innodb.percona_expand_fast_index_creation_innodbPS-5992Resolved issue: PS-5992Robert Golebiowski
- heap-buffer-overflow in encryption.innodb-corrupt-row-compressedPS-5985Resolved issue: PS-5985Robert Golebiowski
- Direct leak in encryption.innodb_encryption_tablesPS-5984Resolved issue: PS-5984Robert Golebiowski
- heap-buffer-overflow in main.bug93388PS-5983Resolved issue: PS-5983Zsolt Parragi
- heap-buffer-overflow in main.percona_utility_userPS-5982Resolved issue: PS-5982Zsolt Parragi
- PS does not encrypt redo logs after restorePS-5979Resolved issue: PS-5979Zsolt Parragi
- Altering column collation doesn't seem to affect unique indexes until restartPS-5973Resolved issue: PS-5973
- Linux - Generic build 8.0.16-7.ssl102 incorrectly linked to issue: PS-5969
- Replication starts at wrong position after having same server-id on master and slavePS-5967Resolved issue: PS-5967
- Handler statistics are driftingPS-5966Resolved issue: PS-5966Kamil Holubicki
- fatal regexp bugPS-5962Resolved issue: PS-5962
- DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS sql not written in slave binary logPS-5961Resolved issue: PS-5961
- Binlog bugPS-5957Resolved issue: PS-5957
- MySQL 8.0.16-7 keep restarting with signal 11PS-5944Resolved issue: PS-5944
- Null merge PS-5.7.26 into 8.0PS-5939Resolved issue: PS-5939Przemyslaw Skibinski
- sql_require_primary_key should not apply to temporary tablesPS-5931Resolved issue: PS-5931Zsolt Parragi
- default_table_encryption=ON at bootstrap doesn't encrypt mysql.ibdPS-5926Resolved issue: PS-5926Satya Bodapati
- crash with encrypt dblr bufferPS-5924Resolved issue: PS-5924Satya Bodapati
- Document Utility User in 8.0PS-5922Resolved issue: PS-5922patrick.birch
- Detect memory leaks on stage of bootstrap if PS was built with '-DWITH_ASAN'PS-5921Resolved issue: PS-5921Yura Sorokin
- Update Percona Server 8.0 documentation for expanded fast index creationPS-5912Resolved issue: PS-5912patrick.birch
- Rotating Innodb Master key post upgrade crashes the serverPS-5909Resolved issue: PS-5909Satya Bodapati
- DOC - SSL101 build is not properly named in tar.gz buildsPS-5880Resolved issue: PS-5880Evgeniy Patlan
- Upgrade to 8.0.16-7 breaks on innodb_dynamic_metadata with encrypted tablespacePS-5874Resolved issue: PS-5874Robert Golebiowski
- InnoDB monitor can fill disk and crash MySQLPS-5872Resolved issue: PS-5872
- Update Release NotesPS-5870Resolved issue: PS-5870patrick.birch
- Switching SE from InnoDB to MyRocks isn't supported in 8.0.16PS-5865Resolved issue: PS-5865George Lorch
- Sig 6 Assertion failure:>magic_n == 22643PS-5860Resolved issue: PS-5860Satya Bodapati
- Assertion "is_classic_protocol" with threadpool and mysqlx-port-open-timeout setPS-5853Resolved issue: PS-5853
- crash seen on PS if the port number for starting GR matches the server portPS-5847Resolved issue: PS-5847nitendra.bhosle
- clang-8 reports broken source encoding in scripts/sql_commands_help_data.hPS-5836Resolved issue: PS-5836Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Sig 6 Assertion failure: == page_get_space_id(buf_block_get_frame(block))PS-5835Resolved issue: PS-5835Satya Bodapati
- Release Notes for 8.0.16-7PS-5830Resolved issue: PS-5830patrick.birch
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