- Selecting from performance_schema.innodb_redo_log_files crashes MySQLPS-8877Resolved issue: PS-8877
- semi-sync master waits for ack when semi-sync replica is down & when we replace it with asyncPS-8869Resolved issue: PS-8869
- Clone plugin wipe out the user-created data before its operation is forbiddenPS-8823Resolved issue: PS-8823
- Assert: !dummy_big_rec on rollback of delete or update of row_format=compressed.PS-8784
- Savepoint recorded in mysqlbinlog with mysqldump and mysqlclientPS-8771
- FEDERATED engine not handling wait_timeout MySQL Bug #33500956PS-8747Resolved issue: PS-8747
- Data will be lost when the table structure is rebuilt.PS-8737Resolved issue: PS-8737
- Performance regression with SELECT query when sorting on limited fieldsPS-8715
- Incorrect autoinc in imported tablespace after restart serverPS-8687
- Release notes for PS and PXC 8.0.31 says audit_log_flush is deprecated but it seems notPS-8685Resolved issue: PS-8685
- Commits stalled behind publish_coordinates_for_global_status mutexesPS-8684
- Mutex deadlock (com_statistics, com_change_user, show full processlist)PS-8683Resolved issue: PS-8683
- Documentation in has some problem.PS-8679Resolved issue: PS-8679Evgeniy Patlan
- OL9: changes in 'systemctl is-enabled mysql'PS-8675Resolved issue: PS-8675Vadim Yalovets
- Compilation error on ARM AppleClang 14.0PS-8674Resolved issue: PS-8674
- Implement options to disable optimized DDLs (Bulk Load for Create Index & INSTANT)PS-8661Resolved issue: PS-8661
- Remove Percona's implementation of build-idPS-8635Resolved issue: PS-8635
- Disable MINIMAL_RELWITHDEBINFO for tar ballsPS-8593Resolved issue: PS-8593Evgeniy Patlan
- Document keyring encryption removalPS-8551Resolved issue: PS-8551patrick.birch
- Assertion failure: Kachan
- Assertion failure: issue: PS-8442Oleksandr Kachan
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