- Missing PBM 2.9.0 in compatibility matrixPBM-1520radoslaw.szulgo
- PBM logs inexistent PITR error during physical restorePBM-1519
- Document that priorities cannot be set using "config --set"PBM-1518Anastasia Alexandrova
- Backup Container Crash During RestorePBM-1517
- Restore with PITR from a Different ClusterPBM-1516
- Backup and PITR Chunk Deletion BehaviorPBM-1515
- Improve resync performancePBM-1514
- Add configurable timeout for pbm backupPBM-1513
- PBM unable to take physical backup in mixed deploymentsPBM-1512Boris Ilijic
- Configuration for Fallback dbpath featurePBM-1511
- Allow pbm-agent to run with no database connectionPBM-1510
- Oplog collection stops without any apparent reasonPBM-1509
- Remove any db queries during physical restorePBM-1508
- Fallback dbpath for physical restorePBM-1507Boris Ilijic
- GCS support concurrent downloading of the single filePBM-1506Jakub Vecera
- Remove the copy of users and roles during logical backupPBM-1505
- Add PBM support for Workload Identity AuthenticationPBM-1504
- pbm describe-restore returns empty output if a profile used in config filePBM-1503radoslaw.szulgo
- pbm profile sync failsPBM-1502Jakub Vecera
- Restore from pbm hangs after some time.PBM-1501
- Document PBM SDKPBM-1500Anastasia Alexandrova
- Unformatted error in restore metadataPBM-1499
- HMAC support for GCSPBM-1498Jakub Vecera
- Ability to set a timeout duration for stopping the balancerPBM-1496
- Wrong s3 URI in pbm statusPBM-1494
- Sharded cluster restoration failure in 2.8.0PBM-1493Boris Ilijic
- Avoid exposing db credentials in /etc/sysconfig/pbm-agentPBM-1492
- Configuration profiles are not shown in statusPBM-1491
- Physical backup with files that have reached remote storage limitsPBM-1490
- Integrate PBM with cloud provider snapshot technologyPBM-1489
- PITR will stop saving the oplog if the process of copying the oplog from the backup failsPBM-1488
- Queryable backup and restore for PBMPBM-1486radoslaw.szulgo
- pbm-agent.init file has misspelled group name and it fails to start the pbm agentPBM-1485Resolved issue: PBM-1485Sandra Romanchenko
- Allow/ignore "Z" marker in the restore timestampsPBM-1481Resolved issue: PBM-1481Boris Ilijic
- PBM cannot restore/resync from a read-only datastore, improve to allow this to work even if some restrictionsPBM-1480
- PBM fails to restore when collections present that have a required partialFilterExpression due to unique indexPBM-1479Resolved issue: PBM-1479Boris Ilijic
- PBM won't work by default on server with single CPUPBM-1478Resolved issue: PBM-1478radoslaw.szulgo
- Update the Get Help widget and add Get help pagePBM-1477Resolved issue: PBM-1477Anastasia Alexandrova
- Add tests for S3 & GCP storage accessPBM-1475Resolved issue: PBM-1475Jakub Vecera
- Swap AWS s3 v1 -> v2 SDK APIPBM-1474Jakub Vecera
- Extra slash symbol in bucket/prefix options breaks PBM ability to save or discover backups on storagePBM-1472
- Migrate to AWS SDK for GO v2 and GCP SDKPBM-1468radoslaw.szulgo
- SPIKE - Physical restore assumes a functioning clusterPBM-1467Resolved issue: PBM-1467Boris Ilijic
- Remove kingpin dependency from pbm cliPBM-1466Resolved issue: PBM-1466Jakub Vecera
- Selective backup/restore for sharded collections fails for setups with config shardsPBM-1465Resolved issue: PBM-1465Boris Ilijic
- Fix backup type in "another operation in progress" error messagePBM-1464
- pbm backup names - custom name / without special charsPBM-1462
- Increase test coverage for oplog restorePBM-1455Resolved issue: PBM-1455Boris Ilijic
- Configuration file for all pbm-agent's optionsPBM-1454Resolved issue: PBM-1454Jakub Vecera
- Stop balancer and chunks autosplit automatically during restorePBM-1452Resolved issue: PBM-1452Boris Ilijic
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