Only one dump process can be executed at the same time (i.e. there is no multitasking). All options presented on UI should work.
To run local SFTP server: docker run --rm -p 22:22 --network="<you pmm server network>" --name="sftpserver" atmoz/sftp foo:pass:::upload Where `foo` is user, `pass` is password and `upload` is the directory name
SFTP server will be available in the same docker network by url `sftpserver:22`
To check your pmm server network name you can use `docker inspect pmm-server -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}"`. Key of the result json object is the network name.
Provide a simple way for the PMM Admin User to collect a PMM data package for the Percona customer support team.
How to test:
pmm-dump UI page available at `http://localhost/graph/pmm-dump`. User should be able to:
Create dump
Delete dump (with actual files on disc, we store them is `/srv/dump/`)
Read dump logs
Download dump archive
Upload dump archive to remove SFTP server
Import dump archive to another PMM server with pmm-dump utility:
pmm-dump import --pmm-url "http://USER:PASS@HOST" --dump-path FILENAME.tar.gz
Only one dump process can be executed at the same time (i.e. there is no multitasking). All options presented on UI should work.
To run local SFTP server:
docker run --rm -p 22:22 --network="<you pmm server network>" --name="sftpserver" atmoz/sftp foo:pass:::upload
Where `foo` is user, `pass` is password and `upload` is the directory name
SFTP server will be available in the same docker network by url `sftpserver:22`
To check your pmm server network name you can use `docker inspect pmm-server -f "{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks }}"`. Key of the result json object is the network name.