LP #1716817: HIGH CPU usage


**Reported in Launchpad by xiaoyuwang last update 13-09-2017 03:14:48

We find buf_get_n_pending_read_ios is related to 2 high CPU usage occasions.
We'll make breif, and "https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=87637" for "how to repeat".

case 1: If mysqld process is scheduled frequently, even though there is no activity, no read io, no dirty-page to flush, CPU usage reaches 100%.
We count times the process steps into the while-loop at buf0flu.cc:3208 and the else-branch(means there is no activity, the process idles) at buf0flu.cc:3375. And the statistic is as follows.

Almost all statistic is like
start_time= 1504143949175 end_time= 1504143949176 interval= 1ms loop_count= 7082 else_count= 7082
Only 1/20 or less statistic is like
start_time= 1504143949191 end_time= 1504143950191 interval= 1000ms loop_count= 1 else_count= 0

We see, everytime this process get scheduled, it idles mostly(in the case of there is no activity). We fix it by making this process sleep for a little while(0.01 second, by default) when there is no work, and CPU usage is decreased to 0-4%.

case 2: We use sysbench to test updating a varchar field, and CPU usage is about 130%-180%. buf_get_n_pending_read_ios takes up observably, as follows.
44.06% mysqld [.] lock_rec_has_to_wait_in_queue(ib_lock_t co
12.69% [vdso] [.] 0x0000000000000600
8.17% mysqld [.] buf_get_n_pending_read_ios()
5.57% sap1006-64-v50107 [.] GoodMD5Transform
3.01% libpthread-2.17.so [.] pthread_mutex_unlock
2.71% mysqld [.] ut_time_ms()
2.68% mysqld [.] buf_flush_page_cleaner_coordinator
We find that buf_get_n_pending_read_ios is used as a bool condition, so, calculating pend_ios accurately, which results in a srv_buf_pool_instances-times-loop ,is not necessary. Instead, we can use bitmap to indicate whether buf_pool->n_pend_reads is 0, and that costs less. After applying this, CPU usage is reduced to 100%.



Smart Checklist



Julia Vural March 4, 2025 at 9:05 PM

It appears that this issue is no longer being worked on, so we are closing it for housekeeping purposes. If you believe the issue still exists, please open a new ticket after confirming it's present in the latest release.

Lalit Choudhary July 29, 2019 at 10:37 AM

Marking open-> Hold since upstream marked as verified.

Nickolay Ihalainen June 26, 2019 at 9:19 AM

I've tried to reproduce the issue, but not getting buf_get_n_pending_read_ios in the top of perf top report.
Changing the issue status back to new, because the upstream bug is marked as verified

Won't Do





Smart Checklist

Created January 24, 2018 at 11:38 AM
Updated March 4, 2025 at 9:05 PM
Resolved March 4, 2025 at 9:05 PM