Make default cf compression option to be LZ4
Smart Checklist
George Lorch November 9, 2017 at 9:07 PMEdited
George Lorch
George Lorch(Deactivated)Reporter
George Lorch
George Lorch(Deactivated)Components
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Smart Checklist
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Smart Checklist

Open Smart Checklist
Created November 8, 2017 at 2:38 AM
Updated March 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM
Resolved November 14, 2017 at 9:29 PM
Vadim Tkachenko @george.lorch can we enable LZ4 compression as default ? [7:30 PM] George Lorch Hmm [7:30 PM] Vadim Tkachenko that is if even nothing specified, the files get compressed with LZ4 ? [7:31 PM] George Lorch Probably can just not sure exactly how to do it as compression goes in as column family options, which is a really bizarre hackish thing [7:31 PM] Vadim Tkachenko so set default properly for column family as LZ4 compressed [7:31 PM] George Lorch but off the top of my head I think we can maybe use default_cf_options to specify the 'default' compression for the 'default' column family [7:32 PM] 'new' column families would need to explicitly specify [7:32 PM] Vadim Tkachenko that's fine [7:32 PM] George Lorch as that is more of a rocksdb thing and not myrocks, myrocks itself doesn't parse or understand rocksdb column family options [7:33 PM] but I think that will work, I'll have to poke at it a bit just to be sure [7:33 PM] Vadim Tkachenko yes, please take a look!
[1:29 PM] George Lorch hey @vadimtk so my idea of providing a default value for rocksdb_default_cf_options to set the compression on the 'default' column family seem will work fine. RocksDB team recommends though that you use LZ4 for all levels except the bottom where it should be zstd. I think we should make this the default instead of just LZ4 all the way down. Any objections? [1:29 PM] Vadim Tkachenko LZ4 default on all levels is fine with me [1:30 PM] if someone wants ZSTD - s/he can adjust options [1:30 PM] George Lorch OK, no problem, it's easy enough.