LP #1250961: pyclustercheck should run as a daemon ... with an initscript
Smart Checklist

Julia Vural March 4, 2025 at 9:28 PM
It appears that this issue is no longer being worked on, so we are closing it for housekeeping purposes. If you believe the issue still exists, please open a new ticket after confirming it's present in the latest release.

lpjirasync January 12, 2018 at 12:12 PM
**Comment from Launchpad by: David Busby on: 07-07-2014 15:25:48
Tracking issue @ GH: https://github.com/Oneiroi/clustercheck/issues/9

lpjirasync January 12, 2018 at 12:12 PM
**Comment from Launchpad by: David Busby on: 07-07-2014 15:23:46
Work has begun on this here: https://github.com/Oneiroi/clustercheck/tree/twisted for sysvinit (systemd still needs to be started). Commit: https://github.com/Oneiroi/clustercheck/commit/311fc7815ef914b867d5c78cd11d23807825afa2
This is not stable, the stable (but missing sysvinit) https://github.com/Oneiroi/clustercheck/tree/twisted-RC1

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Open Smart Checklist
Smart Checklist

**Reported in Launchpad by Kenny Gryp last update 17-11-2015 09:21:27
pyclustercheck should run as a daemon ... with an initscript
Currently you should start pyclustercheck manually.
It would be good to have pyclustercheck in a separate initscript OR have a possibility to start pyclustercheck when starting mysql service.