- FLUSH TABLE <table> WITH READ LOCK blocks other tables replicationPXC-4637
- Galera's 'wsrep_restart_replica' restarts async replica on non-primary statePXC-4632
- Prevent SST after IST failurePXC-4631Kamil Holubicki
- Creating temporary table as select puts the whole session in TOI/NBO not allowing to kill any queryPXC-4629
- Assertion failure on donor if joiner is killed in debug buildPXC-4627Kamil Holubicki
- Joining node with clone SST method fails with component_keyring_file based encryptionPXC-4622Resolved issue: PXC-4622Kamil Holubicki
- clone sst user password is getting logged in the error logPXC-4609Resolved issue: PXC-4609Marco Tusa
- The changed SSL value on wsrep_provider_options on my.cnf is not being appliedPXC-4608
- clone plugin is left installed on the joiner node after SST.PXC-4607Resolved issue: PXC-4607Marco Tusa
- Update PXC installation Limitation documentation sectionPXC-4606Resolved issue: PXC-4606patrick.birch
- Assertion `msg.uuid() != GU_UUID_NIL' failed in debug buildPXC-4604
- Documentation bug on the step for enabling the release 8.4PXC-4591
- Uninstalling Percona Telemetry DB component causing inconsistencyPXC-4590Resolved issue: PXC-4590patrick.birch
- Clone SST on joiner waits indefinitely if the donor node is killed while SST.PXC-4585Resolved issue: PXC-4585Kamil Holubicki
- PXC8.0 and 8.4 yum installations on el8 pull in old 1.0.2 ssl libs via compat-openssl10 dependencyPXC-4579Resolved issue: PXC-4579Vadim Yalovets
- Please update 'use-extra' and 'extra_port' config params 8.0 and 8.4 documentationPXC-4577Resolved issue: PXC-4577patrick.birch
- Remove extra_port handling in wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 SST scriptPXC-4576Resolved issue: PXC-4576Kamil Holubicki
- Missing SystemD related documentation pertaining to TimeoutStartSecPXC-4574Resolved issue: PXC-4574patrick.birch
- SST Role lacks INNODB_REDO_LOG_ARCHIVEPXC-4573Resolved issue: PXC-4573Kamil Holubicki
- Please document that PXC needs a local socket to work properlyPXC-4572Resolved issue: PXC-4572patrick.birch
- Node leaves cluster when tying to grant table specific permissions to userPXC-4568Resolved issue: PXC-4568
- Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.36 CVE'sPXC-4564Resolved issue: PXC-4564
- Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0.36 CVEsPXC-4563Resolved issue: PXC-4563Kamil Holubicki
- int wsrep::transaction::start_transaction(const wsrep::transaction_id&): Assertion `active() == false' failedPXC-4561Venkatesh Prasad
- mysql cannot connect to mysql-server in post-processing , if the host is not localhost in the .mylogin.cnfPXC-4558Resolved issue: PXC-4558Kamil Holubicki
- Assertion `state() == s_certifying' failure in debug buildPXC-4556
- Assertion `state() == s_aborting || state() == s_must_replay' failed on pxc node while replicating CTASPXC-4549
- PXC is not compatible with sql_generate_invisible_primary_key settingPXC-4548
- databases_size value in the json file created by the percona_telemetry is zero.PXC-4546Resolved issue: PXC-4546Kamil Holubicki
- percona_telemetry is not able to fetch the databases_count with mysql.session userPXC-4545Resolved issue: PXC-4545Kamil Holubicki
- Wrong Error message for 'RESET BINARY LOGS AND GTIDS' on cluster node.PXC-4544Resolved issue: PXC-4544Kamil Holubicki
- Replication fails and the node becomes Inconsistent if transaction is committed on node by setting tagged gtidPXC-4526Venkatesh Prasad
- Cluster writes hangs on write node if you delete a podPXC-4524Resolved issue: PXC-4524
- Garb receiving error/fatal messages during the stopPXC-4522
- percona_telemetry causes a long wait on COND_thd_list due to the absence of the root userPXC-4521Resolved issue: PXC-4521parveez.baig
- Assertion `seq <= last_committed()' failure in debug buildPXC-4520Kamil Holubicki
- Async replication on PXC node hangs if filters are configured on the channelPXC-4518Venkatesh Prasad
- GTID auto positioning replication doesn't work correctly on PXC node with new async monitor logicPXC-4516Resolved issue: PXC-4516Venkatesh Prasad
- Multi source replication doesn't work on PXC node with the new async monitor logicPXC-4515Resolved issue: PXC-4515Venkatesh Prasad
- PXC node stalls and goes OOM. No logs during the timePXC-4514Aaditya Dubey
- 2 cluster nodes go in to NON-PRIMARY state MDL BF-BF conflictPXC-4512Aaditya Dubey
- bool thd_enter_apply_monitor(THD*): Assertion `seqno > 0' fails on PXC node upon START REPLICA after setting SOURCE_LOG_POS to pos next to GTID event.PXC-4510Resolved issue: PXC-4510Venkatesh Prasad
- Async replication hangs on PXC node if the replica PXC node receives a GTID from source which is already committed on it.PXC-4509Resolved issue: PXC-4509Venkatesh Prasad
- Async Replication threads on PXC node hangs upon resuming from applier error after fixingPXC-4506Resolved issue: PXC-4506Venkatesh Prasad
- DROP PROCEDURE/FUNCTION IF EXISTS generates local GTID eventPXC-4504Resolved issue: PXC-4504Kamil Holubicki
- Cluster enters a broken state after failed node restartPXC-4500Resolved issue: PXC-4500Lalit Choudhary
- PXC node "stalls" and causes the cluster to stop respondingPXC-4498Resolved issue: PXC-4498Kamil Holubicki
- Split brain during SST on 8.0.33PXC-4496Resolved issue: PXC-4496
- PXC node creates new but never deletes them for no reasonPXC-4495Resolved issue: PXC-4495Kamil Holubicki
- GTID inconsistency when joining 2 nodes at oncePXC-4493Aaditya Dubey
50 of
When we do FTWRL on node-1 we acquire global read lock (which blocks write to any table) and pause wsrep provider. The consequence is that any writeset replicated from node-2 is blocked at galera level on LocalMonitor. This behavior is OK.
When we do FLUSH TABLE t1 WITH READ LOCK on node-1 , we also block replication of t2 from node-2, which is not locked. This is because we also pause wsrep provider and applier threads are blocked on LocalMonitor. In this case, we should block only replication of t1. If node-2 inserts something to t2 only (no writes to t1), these writesets should be replicated and applied on node-1. Of course if we do several insertions on node-2 to t1, after replication, applier threads on node-1 should be blocked. This can cause blocking/waiting all applier threads on node-1 and consecutive inserts to t2 will be blocked as well. However, if there are no inserts to t1 on node-2, all inserts to t2 should be replicated and applied on node-1.
To do this, we should not pause wsrep provider FLUSH TABLE t1 WITH READ LOCK but we should rely on MDL locks. This way, t2 writesets will be applied on node-1 and t1 writesets will cause applier thread to block and wait on open_tables()
remove wsrep-specific code aroundwsrep_pause_once(&already_paused))