Make Proxysql2 work with default PXC settings
ubuntu 18.04 LTS
percona repos
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Lalit Choudhary May 22, 2020 at 10:28 AM
Since this behavior already documented, closing this report.
Lalit Choudhary May 22, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Hi @Hubertus Krogmann
Thank you for the report and the alternatives.
This change coming from MySQL8 as caching_sha2_password plugin is default authentication plugin.
I would best solution here is to add following in my.cnf before starting pxc8 node.
1. The above setting could be the part of default my.cnf file generated after PXC package installation.
But this change already documented in Percona proxysql-admin tool documentation.
This option does not work if the Percona XtraDB Cluster user is created using the caching_sha2_password
plugin (used by default in Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0). Create a mysql user using the mysql_native_password
authentication plugin.
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I installed PXC 8.0 and proxysql2 from percona packages.
after create user x@y identified by "password" in mysql
and proxysql-admin --syncusers I can't connect to PXC via proxysql
Workaround: create/alter user using
identified WITH 'mysql_native_password' by "password"
So proxysql2 and/or proxysql-admin are not able to use
IDENTIFIED WITH 'caching_sha2_password' which pxc 8.0 uses by default.
I'm aware of that this might be a proxysql2 problem or a mysql8 one,
and that default_authentication_plugin can set to mysql_native_password
proxysql_admin is aware of it as the monitoring user is created that way
by proxy-admin --enable
Expected behaviour:
Best way : make it work with caching_sha2_password
Alternative: give an error message on --syncusers if caching_sha2_password is used
Alternative: update the documentation on this point.
Alternative: use default_authentication_plugin = mysql_native_password as long it does not work with caching_sha2_password