- Jenkins: InnoDB stress tests fail on ubuntu:focal due to missing dependenciesPXC-3683Resolved issue: PXC-3683illia.pshonkin
- PXC Jenkins: Missing XML::Simple package on CentOsPXC-3659Resolved issue: PXC-3659illia.pshonkin
- Automate updating API descriptors before RC cutPMM-11931Resolved issue: PMM-11931talha.rizwan
- Migrate PMM Jenkins instance to Amazon Linux2PMM-7400Resolved issue: PMM-7400illia.pshonkin
- Discontinue shipping qan-app with pmm-server (v2.X)PMM-6766Resolved issue: PMM-6766Alex Demidoff
- Investigate FB creation for submodules CommitPMM-6737Puneet Kala
- Automate the creation of feature builds (FB)PMM-5488Nikita Beletskii
- Automation: Add failover testing( promote standby) and Master rewind using pg_rewind support in replication script.PG-1387shahidullah.khan
- Create a separate generic script that is used to configure server with pg_tde from the existing scriptPG-1367Resolved issue: PG-1367shahidullah.khan
- [PGSM] Use pre-built images in CI workflowsPG-932Artem Gavrilov
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