- Default value for s3 uriStyle in the pg-db helm chart docs is not correctK8SPG-609
- not all images upgraded with version serviceK8SPG-483
- Installing the operator to watch other namespaces not workingK8SPG-392Resolved issue: K8SPG-392
- pgbackrest Shared repo is not creating stanza if pvc re-createdK8SPG-353
- local storage for scheduled backup is not local onlyK8SPG-320
- If Primary pod not a patroni Leader the cluster can't boostrap after CR deletionK8SPG-277
- Backup log growing too big causes backups to stop workingK8SPG-271ege.gunes
- Operator doesn't realize there is a failed replica.K8SPG-247ege.gunes
- recovery ended before configured recovery target was reachedK8SPG-235
- Explain the various restore options available for PGOK8SPG-232dmitriy.kostiuk
- Failed to bootstrap cluster: cant restore older full backup after restoring newer one (can't change timeline?)K8SPG-223
- Replication broken in dual stack clustersK8SPG-221
- replica Pods are not re-created if there is no PVCK8SPG-220
- Investigate how the user may apply custom config on a running clusterK8SPG-214
- antiAffinity unexpected behaviorK8SPG-213
- Deploying our PG operator using our Helm chart results in a single database node clusterK8SPG-210
- Add memory option for pgBadger containerK8SPG-201
- Cluster not reconciled after creation if Operator is not readyK8SPG-187
- Resource Requests/Limits for Deployer created resourcesK8SPG-165
- PGO Deployer "update" tag doesn't work as expectedK8SPG-160
- Missing CDR.yamlK8SPG-140Slava Sarzhan
- Feature request about additional TLS_SSLMODE config flags for pgbouncerK8SPG-139
- Reflect cluster and component statuses in Custom ResourceK8SPG-105Maksim Dudin
- Automated system user creation when restoring from backupK8SPG-92Maksim Dudin
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