- MongoDB Dashboards - Feedback and ImprovementsPMM-13545Resolved issue: PMM-13545Yash Sartanpara
- Querying for mongodb_connections returns empty resultPMM-13459Resolved issue: PMM-13459Pavel Tankov
- Error when analyzing MySQL queries in QAN in PMMPMM-13445
- Allow pmm-admin to add external exporters with an IP address different of
- Full SQL Text including comments for MySQL QANPMM-13395
- Wrong Redo Log Space reported in the InnoDB Details dashboardPMM-13393Yash Sartanpara
- PBM metrics according to conventionPMM-13362Resolved issue: PMM-13362Michael Okoko
- Sometimes tables'name has (null).(null) value for Postgres servicePMM-13359Jiří Čtvrtka
- Problem with VictoriaMetrics in AMIPMM-13339talha.rizwan
- Check AWS credentials while adding s3 storage for backupPMM-13275
- Alert: MongoDB sharded cluster - too many chunk migrationsPMM-13273Resolved issue: PMM-13273Santo Leto
- Export metrics for CPU utilization per-processPMM-13261
- Fix pmm2-ami and pmm2-ovf pipelinesPMM-13237Resolved issue: PMM-13237talha.rizwan
- [Ops] Fix pmm2-server-autobuild-el7 pipelinePMM-13222Resolved issue: PMM-13222talha.rizwan
- Issue with system.profile Iterator and maxPoolSize in PMM-AgentPMM-12548Jiří Čtvrtka
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Feedbacks for the new replica set summary dashboard from Santo (Indirectly from customers) and Ivan (Mongo lead)
Fix state timeline with new query given by Ivan
Fix state/role and find a join function (prom query) to show correct state using new query (Show when the node is Down)
change Details row -> "top Hottest collections" panels and make them instant instead of range so that it does not show more than 5 rows
change decimals to 0 for the panels in initial "overview" rows
change decimals to 1 for Details row -> "top Hottest collections" panels
fix disk i/o panel and network traffic panels not showing any data (add "~" for node_name filter)
Replicate the same changes to cluster summary dashboard