- Need to integrate pt-index-usage tool in PMM to identify duplicate and unused index reports.PMM-13811
- Incorrect Advisor InsightsPMM-13792
- Run PSMDB 8.0 validations for Advisors with PMMPMM-13628Nailya Kutlubaeva
- Unknown system variable 'expire_logs_days'PMM-13424Marco Tusa
- [DOC] Messaging about Alert Templates and Advisors tiersPMM-13351Resolved issue: PMM-13351Roma Novikov
- Mispelling in advisor descriptionPMM-13010Resolved issue: PMM-13010Roma Novikov
- Postgres WAL retention check advisor check does not provide any solution suggestionPMM-12834Aaditya Dubey
- Advisor check provides no description of the issuePMM-12794Aaditya Dubey
- Incorrect advisor warnings for MongoDBPMM-12685
- Column to acknowledge advisors warnings is missingPMM-12684Roma Novikov
- Ensure standardised advisor namingPMM-12591
- Advisors require regular reviewPMM-12589Resolved issue: PMM-12589parag.bhayani
- [Advisors] postgresql_cve_check fails to process the query resultPMM-12583Resolved issue: PMM-12583sisinia.vivas
- Ability to see Insights without Admin permissionsPMM-12356Resolved issue: PMM-12356Matej Kubinec
- [FE] Show technology family for Advisor checksPMM-12257Resolved issue: PMM-12257Artem Gavrilov
- [FE] Remove silence action button from failed checks tabPMM-12253Resolved issue: PMM-12253Artem Gavrilov
- [BE] Remove Alertmanager dependency from Advisors codePMM-12252Resolved issue: PMM-12252Artem Gavrilov
- Update Advisors list in DocPMM-12194Roma Novikov
- Full Inventory and Advisors' interconnectionPMM-12019
- Description and labels not fully visible in advisorsPMM-12015Resolved issue: PMM-12015Fábio Da Silva
- PCX operator-managed version checksPMM-12011
- Expose check family field in advisors APIPMM-11999Resolved issue: PMM-11999Artem Gavrilov
- Subscription page - link improvementPMM-11926Resolved issue: PMM-11926Fábio Da Silva
- Advisors: the labels are not properly visible and aligned with the rowPMM-11921Filip Mikes
- Advisors : the whole description is not visiblePMM-11920Filip Mikes
- For MongoDB replica sets Actions executed always on Primary nodePMM-11849Resolved issue: PMM-11849Artem Gavrilov
- [POC]: PMM and Platform Portal advisors results information exchangePMM-11837Oksana Grishchenko
- Advisors: Incorrect query results deserializationPMM-11808Resolved issue: PMM-11808Artem Gavrilov
- Advisor checks are shown by host can they not be shown as failed distinct checksPMM-11799
- Advisor checks are shown by host can they not be shown as distinct checksPMM-11798Resolved issue: PMM-11798
- [BE] Advisors: Generate positive alerts on succefull checks pass and remove Alertmanager from dependenciesPMM-11796Artem Gavrilov
- Latest Advisor - there are multiple instance of the use of <tablename>.<database> instead of <database>.<table>.PMM-11793Resolved issue: PMM-11793
- Advisors : Services status presentationPMM-11792Artem Gavrilov
- Cleanup non-actual advisors alerts when service removed from inventory or when check become unavailablePMM-11775
- Improve Advisors topicsPMM-11699
- Develop a check to identify if MySQL redolog is disabledPMM-11536Marco Tusa
- Advisors - better telemetryPMM-11522Resolved issue: PMM-11522Michael Okoko
- Basic Presentation of Advisors In PMM (with only notification for get more)PMM-11135Filip Mikes
- Running Advisors checks on Postgresql without default postgres DB doesn't workPMM-11004Resolved issue: PMM-11004Artem Gavrilov
- Return standard interval for checks that don't have it specifiedPMM-10845Resolved issue: PMM-10845Artem Gavrilov
- Advisor Checks V2 don't support MongoDBGetDiagnosticData and MongoDBReplSetGetStatus query typesPMM-10802Resolved issue: PMM-10802Artem Gavrilov
- Failed checks page issuePMM-10791
- Advise user on more optimal parameters for MonitoringPMM-10774
- Advanced Settings page - Execution Intervals - Please include a reference to this being for ADVISORSPMM-10766Roma Novikov
- Implement allowlist for postgres_super_role advisorPMM-10636Charly Batista
- Mysql_security_2 advisor should ignore internal usersPMM-10635Resolved issue: PMM-10635Marco Tusa
- PostgreSQL version checks are out of datePMM-10620Resolved issue: PMM-10620Charly Batista
- Advisor "User(s) has/have DBA privileges but is not root" is too naivePMM-10619Resolved issue: PMM-10619
- Advisors checks should be more granularPMM-10618Marco Tusa
- Add pagination to the "Failed Checks" pagePMM-10617Roma Novikov
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