- Mixing Memory/MyISAM and InnoDB while innodb-fake-changes are enabled could lead to a server crashPS-5384Resolved issue: PS-5384
- Inserting into mysql.help_category with max_statement_time leads to assertionPS-5381Resolved issue: PS-5381
- InnoDB: Error: semaphore wait has lasted > 600 seconds -- line 2192PS-5329Resolved issue: PS-5329Lalit Choudhary
- Different Lock info in show engine innodb status ouput for 5.6 and 5.7PS-5239Resolved issue: PS-5239
- TRACE logs on 56-5.6.42-rel84.2.el6.x86_64 (possible due to tokudb?)PS-5193Resolved issue: PS-5193
- [PS8QA] handle_fatal_signal (sig=11) in DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_initPS-5163Resolved issue: PS-5163George Lorch
- *** buffer overflow detected *** in mysqld on INSERT queryPS-5158Resolved issue: PS-5158George Lorch
- Compilation warnings on 5.6 branch with -DWITHOUT_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE=ONPS-5137Resolved issue: PS-5137Yura Sorokin
- Travis CI: Failed jobs should be redPS-5118Resolved issue: PS-5118Przemyslaw Skibinski
- percona_bug1289599 fails if USER is not definedPS-5100Resolved issue: PS-5100Przemyslaw Skibinski
- ALTERing TokuDB table with clustering key can lead to a server crashPS-5077Resolved issue: PS-5077
- Inconsistent ResultSet is obtained for different Execution PlansPS-4907Resolved issue: PS-4907Yura Sorokin
- UBSAN sql/ runtime error: load of value 190, which is not a valid value for type 'bool'PS-4904Resolved issue: PS-4904
- LP #1499303: MySQL crash when doing "SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = 1;"PS-3311Resolved issue: PS-3311
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