- MySQL RocksDB engine issue while using LIKE conditionPS-9707
- An error occurred while using the rocks engine. It keeps occurring even when repeated.PS-9700
- MyRocks - rocksdb_rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec dynamic change does not apply when starting value is high enoughPS-9675
- Poor memory instrumetnation for MyRocksPS-9664
- MySQL Hangs on Installing RocksDB plugin when innodb_thread_concurrency=1PS-9359Resolved issue: PS-9359
- The MySQL process crashed due to a SELECT statement.PS-9162Resolved issue: PS-9162
- Document new features in percona-202302 to percona-202305PS-9044Resolved issue: PS-9044alina.derkach
- Document new features in percona-202207 to percona-202301PS-8763Resolved issue: PS-8763alina.derkach
- Document new features in percona-202203 to percona-202206PS-8653Resolved issue: PS-8653alina.derkach
- There is a Rocksdb engine, and querying information_schema.tables causes mysqld to crashPS-8431Resolved issue: PS-8431
- Table statistics inaccurate for RocksDB enginePS-8415
- Ability to disable COMPACTION_REASON = "Ttl" using rocksdb_enable_ttl = 'off'PS-8390
- Make MyRocks copy ALTERs optionally use bulk load semanticsPS-8349
- MyRocks crash when inserting into table with unique key and TTLPS-8273Resolved issue: PS-8273Luis Donoso
- Document new features in percona-202110 to percona-202202PS-8269Resolved issue: PS-8269alina.derkach
- installing RocksDB plugin increase InnoDB disk util from 1% to 100%PS-8263Resolved issue: PS-8263
- Document new features in percona-202107 to percona-202109PS-8231Resolved issue: PS-8231alina.derkach
- mysql crash: aborting on BG write errorPS-8144Resolved issue: PS-8144
- Document rocksdb_enable_native_partitionPS-8099Resolved issue: PS-8099patrick.birch
- Documentation: update rocksdb_commit_in_the_middle option descriptionPS-8098Resolved issue: PS-8098patrick.birch
- rocksdb_create_temporary_checkpoint directory is not removed in case of crash or kill -9PS-8026
- Crash on rocksdb_write_disable_wal=1PS-8015Resolved issue: PS-8015
- Variable 'rocksdb_compact_cf' can't be set to the value of 'default'PS-8008Resolved issue: PS-8008
- RocksDb- Investigate cause of failure of mtr test shutdown_reportPS-7961
- Document percona-202104 and percona-202105 new functionalityPS-7960Resolved issue: PS-7960patrick.birch
- Percona server fails to start with rocksdb-fs-uri parameter definedPS-7950Resolved issue: PS-7950
- Wrong error when query interrupted due to MAX_EXECUTION_TIMEPS-7894Resolved issue: PS-7894Marcelo Altmann
- RocksDB table crashes with a simple update/check table queryPS-7891Daniel Fiala
- Unable to install RocksDB engine plugin if server is started with --loose-rocksdb_persistent_cache_size_mbPS-7890Resolved issue: PS-7890Marcelo Altmann
- Server crashes with ALTER query when --rocksdb_write_disable_wal is enabledPS-7883Resolved issue: PS-7883Marcelo Altmann
- Assertion `m_output_buf->m_curr_offset <= m_output_buf->m_total_size' failedPS-7882Resolved issue: PS-7882Kamil Holubicki
- High Kernel Usage with RocksDBPS-7875Resolved issue: PS-7875
- Allow the MyRocks variables to be set dynamically through the SET_VAR syntax.PS-7871Resolved issue: PS-7871Kamil Holubicki
- Research, design, and scope MyRocks encryptionPS-7831Resolved issue: PS-7831Kamil Holubicki
- partition table created with RocksDB engine crashes on a select queryPS-7827Resolved issue: PS-7827Marcelo Altmann
- rec_per_key_t guess_rec_per_key(const TABLE*, const KEY*, uint): Assertion `rec_per_key >= rec_per_key_all' failed.PS-7821
- rec_per_key_t guess_rec_per_key(const TABLE*, const KEY*, uint): Assertion `!key->has_records_per_key(used_keyparts - 1)' failed.PS-7820
- RocksDB table crashes during pstress runs myrocks::ha_rocksdb::reset_blob_bufferPS-7815Resolved issue: PS-7815Rinat Ibragimov
- Document RocksDb variable `rocksdb_manual_compaction_bottommost_level`PS-7800Resolved issue: PS-7800patrick.birch
- void cost_skip_scan(TABLE*, uint, uint, ha_rows, Cost_estimate*, ha_rows*, Item*, Opt_trace_object*): Assertion `keys_per_group >= 0'PS-7796
- Document RocksDb variables `rocksdb_alter_column_default_inplace` and `rocksdb_enable_pipelined_write`PS-7793Resolved issue: PS-7793patrick.birch
- Document RocksDB variable rocksdb_manual_compaction_bottommost_levelPS-7777Resolved issue: PS-7777
- Document RocksDB variables `rocksdb_track_and_verify_wals_in_manifest`, `rocksdb_trace_queries`, `rocksdb_skip_locks_if_skip_unique_check`PS-7775Resolved issue: PS-7775patrick.birch
- Document RocksDB variable rocksdb_fault_injection_optionsPS-7765Resolved issue: PS-7765
- Integrate ZenFS RocksDB plugin into Percona ServerPS-7757Resolved issue: PS-7757Yura Sorokin
- Investigate backup optionsPS-7741Resolved issue: PS-7741
- Fix unstable MyRocks MTR testsPS-7732Resolved issue: PS-7732Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Multiple-Column Index using Column Prefix Key Parts fails with Index Condition Pushdown in MyRocksPS-7722Resolved issue: PS-7722Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Add rocksdb_allow_unsafe_alter to enable crash unsafe INPLACE ADD|DROP partitionPS-7671Resolved issue: PS-7671Przemyslaw Skibinski
- Document RocksDB variables `rocksdb_write_batch_flush_threshold`, `rocksdb_track_and_verify_wals_in_manifest`, `rocksdb_trace_queries`, `rocksdb_skip_locks_if_skip_unique_check`, `rocksdb_alter_column_default_inplacePS-7670Resolved issue: PS-7670
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