- CREATE EVENT DEFINER=`test@usr`@localhost processed as 'test'@'usr@localhost'PS-8115Resolved issue: PS-8115Luis Donoso
- Audit log option audit_log_rotate_on_size does not specify unit of measurePS-8107Resolved issue: PS-8107patrick.birch
- Documentation for Thread Pool functionality in 5.7 has duplicated text.PS-8101Resolved issue: PS-8101patrick.birch
- Document rocksdb_enable_native_partitionPS-8099Resolved issue: PS-8099patrick.birch
- rocksdb-bulk-load variable description is misleadingPS-8094Resolved issue: PS-8094alina.derkach
- Wrong documentation for rocksdb_perf_context_levelPS-8093Resolved issue: PS-8093patrick.birch
- Typos on doc pages "Installing Percona Server for MySQL on Debian and Ubuntu"PS-8054Resolved issue: PS-8054alina.derkach
- Inplace Add index with lock=exclusive doesn't generate MLOG_ADD_INDEX redoPS-8032Resolved issue: PS-8032Rahul Malik
- Multithreaded replica crashes inside Relay_log_info::cannot_safely_rollback()PS-8030Resolved issue: PS-8030Venkatesh Prasad
- Percona Server can also fail to start if it starts before the network or local mount of datadir is mountedPS-8007Resolved issue: PS-8007Serhii Stasiuk
- Wrong row lock number in SEISPS-7929Resolved issue: PS-7929Satya Bodapati
- Unable to install RocksDB engine plugin if server is started with --loose-rocksdb_persistent_cache_size_mbPS-7890Resolved issue: PS-7890Marcelo Altmann
- update on partition tables crashes the serverPS-7856Resolved issue: PS-7856Marcelo Altmann
- On replica Master_User should be blank if not storing in slave_master_infoPS-7792Resolved issue: PS-7792Venkatesh Prasad
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