- pmm shows not correct value of inbound/outbound network traffic on gke nodesPMM-12412Aaditya Dubey
- CPU Utilization Graph for RDS instances is not marching what cloudwatch reportsPMM-11715Resolved issue: PMM-11715Anton Bystrov
- Verify that Name of the rule is properly inherited from the termplatePMM-11357Resolved issue: PMM-11357Filip Mikes
- If i try to take backup from service without running pmm-agent it cause infinite pending state.PMM-11251Artem Gavrilov
- Performance issues with infoSchemaInnodbMetricsEnabledColumnQueryPMM-11082Resolved issue: PMM-11082Jiří Čtvrtka
- User is able to use non existing artifact for restore.PMM-11059Artem Gavrilov
- BM-Restore from backup action causing FE total crash.PMM-10896Resolved issue: PMM-10896
- IA : Duplicate Buttons for Saving rule based on Percona TemplatesPMM-10853Resolved issue: PMM-10853Fábio Da Silva
- PMM keeps trying to query for agents that were already removed causing lots of rollbacksPMM-10813Resolved issue: PMM-10813
- Node summary not visible under MongoDB ReplSet Summary when node name has . notation eg. node4.db-3PMM-10795Resolved issue: PMM-10795Anton Bystrov
- Normalised CPU utilisation is not accuratePMM-10698Resolved issue: PMM-10698Roma Novikov
- Wrong link for node name on the mysql instance summary dashPMM-10606Resolved issue: PMM-10606Anton Bystrov
- BM show log for MongoDB services does NOT reflect pbm tool errors.PMM-10559Michael Okoko
- Get IP address section in doc for OVF is outdatedPMM-10533
- pmm-client container fails on K8s if it cannot connect to pmm-server.PMM-10530Resolved issue: PMM-10530Carlos Salguero
- Snapshot server returns Bad requestPMM-10523Resolved issue: PMM-10523aleksandar.yanakiev
- Mysqld_exporter cannot be started with log-level=fatalPMM-10520Resolved issue: PMM-10520
- pmm-admin summary stores PMM password in client/status.jsonPMM-10513Resolved issue: PMM-10513Alex Demidoff
- Capture usename and application_name for pg_stat_activityPMM-10512Resolved issue: PMM-10512
- IA: alertmanager.yml won't get updated if Slack URL is not setPMM-10508
- DBaaS: DB clusters of force unregistered k8s cluster stay listedPMM-10500Resolved issue: PMM-10500Iaroslavna Soloveva
- Avoid swagger validation when browsing /swaggerPMM-10495Resolved issue: PMM-10495C W
- Tablestats - Default behavior when not using --disable-tablestats nor --disable-tablestats-limit=NPMM-10490
- Update domain value in defaults.iniPMM-10485
- Absolute and relative redirects in PMM mixedPMM-10461
- Add automated propagation of PMM Server IP updates for DBaaSPMM-10448Resolved issue: PMM-10448
- Grafana Component version is outdated in 2.29.1PMM-10399Resolved issue: PMM-10399
- No PG metrics being captured when using GCP Cloud SQL or other PostgreSQL with SSLPMM-9091Resolved issue: PMM-9091
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Graphic of mongodb on-prem nodes are fine ( first screen ), but on google nodes ( second screen ) graphic shows not correct value. Current version of pmm 2.38. In gke mongodb nodes are preemtible, there are no other apps/infrastructure except pmm on them. Please feel free to leave a comment what info/logs/etc I should add to help you investigate and solve the issue