- pmm shows not correct value of inbound/outbound network traffic on gke nodesPMM-12412Aaditya Dubey
- PMM QAN is unstable at >1,000 instancesPMM-11558
- Verify that Name of the rule is properly inherited from the termplatePMM-11357Resolved issue: PMM-11357Filip Mikes
- RDS exporter and Azure exporter with flag "--version"PMM-11312Resolved issue: PMM-11312Yaroslav Podorvanov
- Table Details dashboard is not workingPMM-11260Resolved issue: PMM-11260Anton Bystrov
- If i try to take backup from service without running pmm-agent it cause infinite pending state.PMM-11251Artem Gavrilov
- Cannot Delete Backup stored at GCC S3 storagePMM-11249Artem Gavrilov
- pmm-server, Ansible doesn't yield after start-up (Centos 9 stream)PMM-11204Resolved issue: PMM-11204
- All agents, except pmm-agent, have NULL values in "version" and "runs_on_node_id" fields in "agents" table of internal PostgreSQL dbPMM-11154Resolved issue: PMM-11154Yaroslav Podorvanov
- Take into account slab cache in Memory UtilizationPMM-11119
- User is able to visit page which should not be accessible because of low permissions.PMM-11098Resolved issue: PMM-11098Filip Mikes
- Not able to upgrade from 2.31 to 2.32PMM-11076Resolved issue: PMM-11076Alex Demidoff
- RDS/MySQL Table stats are disabled by default.PMM-11067
- innodb graph is not titled like the othersPMM-11060Resolved issue: PMM-11060Anton Bystrov
- User is able to use non existing artifact for restore.PMM-11059Artem Gavrilov
- Released version of PMM is not displayed on update widgetPMM-11057
- Alerting: Missing mongodb down template when offlinePMM-11051Resolved issue: PMM-11051
- Typo present in enhanced metrics scraper for rds_exporterPMM-11049Resolved issue: PMM-11049Nurlan Moldomurov
- DBaaS: External Access says Disabled even if cluster is exposedPMM-11020
- Wrong AMI version published to the aws market place for PMM 2.31.0PMM-11017Resolved issue: PMM-11017Alex Demidoff
- Dashboard briefly connects and then EC2 server becomes inaccessible via browserPMM-11012Resolved issue: PMM-11012
- MongoDB Exporter Diagnostic Data collector Average scrape time is too highPMM-11005shashank.sinha
- Error expanding alerting rule nested in folderPMM-11001Resolved issue: PMM-11001Fábio Da Silva
- Link to documentation returns 404PMM-10997
- Cannot remove description from storage location once it is added.PMM-10996Resolved issue: PMM-10996Pavel Khripkov
- mysql_down alert rule creation with user-defined labels generates malformed queryPMM-10993
- Unable to use service accounts in place of API keysPMM-10979Resolved issue: PMM-10979Jiří Čtvrtka
- High CPU usage for MongoDB nodes with PMM-Server 2.31.0PMM-10968
- PITR - is possible to pass Schedule for every hour without specific minutePMM-10942Resolved issue: PMM-10942Filip Mikes
- Unable to set the SSH key via UI in PMM ServerPMM-10935
- clicking on help in grafana side menu brings you to the home pagePMM-10929Matej Kubinec
- PMM-Agent 2.31.0 high CPU and Memory UsagePMM-10917Resolved issue: PMM-10917
- Query Analytics shows older statements in recent selected time rangePMM-10911Resolved issue: PMM-10911
- Collect datfrozenxid from pg_database via postgres_exporterPMM-10910Nurlan Moldomurov
- Change from kingpin in the client package breaks automationPMM-10909Resolved issue: PMM-10909
- Change Invalid token message to more user-friendly messagePMM-10908Resolved issue: PMM-10908Matej Kubinec
- Backup Inventory - Description in finished backup is missing.PMM-10899Resolved issue: PMM-10899
- BM-Restore from backup action causing FE total crash.PMM-10896Resolved issue: PMM-10896
- pmm-admin 2.31.0 throwing error when adding monitoringPMM-10879Resolved issue: PMM-10879
- Upgrade from PMM 2.26 to 2.31PMM-10878Resolved issue: PMM-10878
- Failed to send test alert.: SMTP not configured, check your grafana.ini config file’s [smtp] sectionPMM-10870Resolved issue: PMM-10870
- Replication delay not being properly representedPMM-10869
- Alerting: Rule name doesn't update when template is changedPMM-10860Resolved issue: PMM-10860
- Query analyzer does not filter username when using mysql_perfschema_agent. Username shows as n/aPMM-10856
- IA : Duplicate Buttons for Saving rule based on Percona TemplatesPMM-10853Resolved issue: PMM-10853Fábio Da Silva
- On DBaaS, after deleting the DB, nodes (pods) are still listed in the inventory listPMM-10852Resolved issue: PMM-10852
- [Backups] Show backup progressPMM-10837
- [FE][Backups] Change component to switch between scheduled/on-demand backupPMM-10836Resolved issue: PMM-10836
- [Backups] Set storage location as defaultPMM-10835
- [FE][Backups] Change "duplicate backup" flow: pre-fill valuesPMM-10834
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