- Disable dbstat and topmetrics for mongodb exporter in default mode for 2.25.0PMM-9304Resolved issue: PMM-9304Carlos Salguero
- PMM AMI image in 2.24.0 has only 8GB space for data and Volume Size Check fails while upgrading to 2.25.0PMM-9298Resolved issue: PMM-9298Nikita Beletskii
- Telemetry info not sent from pmmPMM-9280Resolved issue: PMM-9280Jiří Čtvrtka
- General Folder is created with bunch of Dashboards after upgrade from 2.9.1PMM-9260Resolved issue: PMM-9260Nikita Beletskii
- Grafana Custom Plugins Lost After Upgrade via UIPMM-9259Resolved issue: PMM-9259Nikita Beletskii
- Documentation for Connect PMM Server to Percona PortalPMM-9258
- [FE] Update field types in requestPMM-9253Resolved issue: PMM-9253
- Documentation for the collstat, dbstat and index featuresPMM-9249Resolved issue: PMM-9249Carlos Salguero
- Pagination Reset on QAN after Time Range change doesn't work, results in wrong resultsPMM-9227Resolved issue: PMM-9227Tiago Mota
- Remove Ubuntu 16.04 supportPMM-9212Resolved issue: PMM-9212Nikita Beletskii
- Bunch of Duplicated Dashboards in General Folder, Postgresql Folder is shown as emptyPMM-9208Resolved issue: PMM-9208Nikita Beletskii
- Upgrade from 2.9.1 to 2.25.0 (Dev Latest) Via UI is stuck and failsPMM-9207Resolved issue: PMM-9207Nikita Beletskii
- DBaaS: Cluster not listedPMM-9203Resolved issue: PMM-9203Tiago Mota
- [2.25] External exportersPMM-9199Resolved issue: PMM-9199Denys Kondratenko
- [FE] Add disable_collstats and collstats limits fieldsPMM-9193Resolved issue: PMM-9193
- [BE] Enable safe collectorsPMM-9192Resolved issue: PMM-9192
- Upgrade MongoDB exporter inside PMMPMM-9184Resolved issue: PMM-9184Carlos Salguero
- Security Advisor Checks are not working for MongoDB instancesPMM-9169Resolved issue: PMM-9169Maksym Hilliaka
- Verification of compatibility with PG distro 14.1 and 13.5 in PMMPMM-9161Resolved issue: PMM-9161
- Dashboards: Changing the timezone on dashboards does not persist navigationPMM-9157Resolved issue: PMM-9157Anton Bystrov
- `pmm-agent` paths-base option not working for pmm2-client binary installation in PMM 2.23.0PMM-9156Resolved issue: PMM-9156shashank.sinha
- Alerting: Investigate possible test options of SMTP configurationPMM-9149Resolved issue: PMM-9149Maksym Hilliaka
- [FE] Integrated alerting - Sending email using gmail failsPMM-9117Resolved issue: PMM-9117Fábio Da Silva
- [BE] Integrated alerting - Sending email using gmail failsPMM-9116Resolved issue: PMM-9116Maksym Hilliaka
- Migrate to internal grafana provisioning for pluginsPMM-9107Resolved issue: PMM-9107Nikita Beletskii
- [FE] PMM: connect to PortalPMM-9101Resolved issue: PMM-9101
- PostgreSQL advisor (check) doesn't set default database in connection stringPMM-9088Resolved issue: PMM-9088Alexey Mukas
- [FE] Do not make Telemetry a required feature to use features like Integrated Alerting, and Security Threat toolPMM-9087Resolved issue: PMM-9087Fábio Da Silva
- [BE] Do not make Telemetry a required feature to use features like Integrated Alerting, and Security Threat toolPMM-9086Resolved issue: PMM-9086Maksym Hilliaka
- PMM Server crashes after upgrading to 2.22 every 4 hoursPMM-9085Resolved issue: PMM-9085Maksym Hilliaka
- [BE] Rewrite gRPC to RestAPI where we using sessionIDPMM-9075Resolved issue: PMM-9075
- [BE] PMM->Portal: get and use access_token from oktaPMM-9063Resolved issue: PMM-9063
- Add datasource provisioningPMM-9061Resolved issue: PMM-9061Nikita Beletskii
- [BE] PMM: Connect PMM to PortalPMM-9060Resolved issue: PMM-9060
- Connect PMM Server to Percona Portal for additional account info in PMM and value added contentPMM-9050Resolved issue: PMM-9050
- Support --collector.COLLECTOR for mongodb_exporterPMM-9028Resolved issue: PMM-9028
- MongoDB ReplSet Summary Dashboard showing NULL for secondaryPMM-9020Resolved issue: PMM-9020
- Integrated Alerting: Sending email using Gmail failsPMM-8993Resolved issue: PMM-8993Maksym Hilliaka
- Backup Management: User is not able to see MongoDB backup logs if backup was taken on older version of pmm-serverPMM-8982Resolved issue: PMM-8982Maksym Hilliaka
- Add ability to specify custom base path to exporters and tools using `pmm-admin` commandPMM-8972Resolved issue: PMM-8972shashank.sinha
- Refactor FE to use new DB Cluster list APIPMM-8956Resolved issue: PMM-8956
- pmm-agent restarts every 4hPMM-8896Resolved issue: PMM-8896Maksym Hilliaka
- Cluster status doesn't show failure in dbaasPMM-8731Resolved issue: PMM-8731Tiago Mota
- Query Analytics: URLs in Query Analytics with a selected query and a timestamp range does not select the queryPMM-8694Resolved issue: PMM-8694Tiago Mota
- Integrated Alerting: Add Tooltips to `Add Alert Rule` fields to make it easier to understand what information is neededPMM-8674Resolved issue: PMM-8674Fábio Da Silva
- Remove vertamedia-clickhouse-plugin binary from imagePMM-8561Resolved issue: PMM-8561Nikita Beletskii
- pg_stat_monitor 1.0.0 supportPMM-8557Resolved issue: PMM-8557
- DBaaS: Support of Percona Distribution for MySQL Operator 1.9.0 in PMMPMM-8545Resolved issue: PMM-8545Tiago Mota
- DBaaS: refactor database cluster listing APIPMM-8514Resolved issue: PMM-8514Nurlan Moldomurov
- Integrated Alerting: Clarify description of the 'Low memory' Alert TemplatePMM-8505Resolved issue: PMM-8505Maksym Hilliaka
50 of 69
We found a bug in a usual query, which produces results in a wrong order.
The query is like this:
Where we get different results in different Server Version.
In version 5.7.20-19 we get:
(the correct result)
Beginning from 5.7.21 up to the current latest (5.7.29), we get this result:
Take care of the wrong sort order while using the DESC keyword.
Even more we get the correct order, when leaving out the external_order_id column and confusing results with other select sets:
Please investigate, whats the reason ...
Thanks in advance!